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ENG302 : The Class : Rhetoric : Use of Graphics : Table
Construct a Table

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Construct a table from the following data about the Funhouse Preschool. Use a word processing document, and attach it to an email addressed to me. It will be worth 100 points, and graded on the criteria below:

1. Funhouse PreSchool

Young children can attend Monday and Wednesday
Prekindergarten children are aged 3.5 to 4.5 years
Cost for first grade is $175 per month
Cost for young children is $58 per month
Day care is 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Prekindergarten children may attend five mornings per week
Kindergarten meets five half days per week
Materials for kindergarten cost $50 per month
Five afternoons per week cost $127 per month
Only children aged 3.5-4.0 years can attend two mornings per week
Day care is available fo prekindergarten children
Prekindergarten children can attend three mornings per week
Only children aged 4.0-4.5 years can attend three mornings per week
Cost of two mornings per week is $65 per month
First grade meets five days a week
Cost of three mornings a week is $82 per month
Kindergarten children are aged 4.5-5.5 years
Kindergarten costs $138 per month
Prekindergarten children can attend two mornings per week
Young children can attend Tuesday and Thursday
Prekindergarten five mornings per week costs $127 per month
Prekindergarten children can attend three mornings per week
Day care costs $283 per month
Prekindergarten children can attend five afternoons per week

2. When would the table you created in question 2 be useful? Imagine a likely audience, purpose, and author's stance for this situation. Write an appropriate document. Be sure to incorporate the table.

Grading Criteria: Construct a Table
Evaluation will be based partly on the basis of the table being presented in a simple, brief, clear linear format 25 pts. 50 pts.
Evaluation will be based partly on the basis of the format making the data stand out on the page 25 pts.
Clarity: Clearly Defined Purpose, Adequate Factual Support for Purpose, Clear and Appropriate Organization, Clear Sentences 15 pts. 50 pts.
Conciseness: Presentation that is long enough to get the job done, Effective Language 15 pts.
Coherence: Logical Patterns, Argumentative Patterns, Other Organizational Forms that create a flow for the document appropriate to audience, purpose, voice 10 pts.
Correctness: Appropriate Use of Standard Formats, Proper Grammer, Mechanics, and Other Conventions 10 pts.
Total Points Earned = _______/100

For grading purposes, please provide the following information:

Your Name:
Your Email address:

Once you have filled in all of the areas above, click the Send the assignment button below to send the assignment to the instructor.


E-mail Greg Larkin at Gregory.Larkin@nau.edu
or call (520) 523-4911

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