Get Started
The Class

ENG302 : Getting Started : Getting Started
Getting Started

If you have registered and this is your first time in the course, you should:

  1. Read the help page and get the required plug-ins.
  2. Read Getting Started.
  3. Look at the overview of the course.

Then read the syllabus, enter the class, communicate with others in the class, view additional resources from Cline Library, or get technical help.

How the Course is Taught

ENG302, "Technical Writing" is divided into 3 modules, and each of these modules contains one or more topics. You should read and complete each topic in order.

Generally, each topic will consist of required reading(s) from the textbook, presentation of online materials, online activities and assignments, and some form of communication.

See an overview of the modules, topics, and activities for this course.
(You should print the overview and check off each item as you complete it).

How the Course is Organized

ENG302, "Technical Writing" is organized into a few main areas. Buttons for these main areas appear on every page throughout the course. These main areas are:

  • Help
    The help page is designed to help you deal with thechnical issues and problems related to this course.

    For assistance with the content of the course, review the material on line and in your text book, contact your classmates, or contact the instructor.

  • Get Started
    This is the Get Started Page. "Attending" a course over the internet is different than attending a course on a traditional campus. This page will help you learn how readings, assignments, communication, and other course functions are handled in a virtual classroom environment.

  • Syllabus
    The syllabus contains important information about the course. As with any course, you should read the syllabus carefully before beginning any course work.

  • The Class
    This is likely where you will spend most of your time. Required readings, online lessons, assignments, and activities are presented in this area.

  • Communicate
    To communicate with any member of the course - student(s) or instructor - visit the comunicate page.

  • Library
    The NAU Cline Library has collected many resources available to students enrolled in Technical Writing. These and other resources are available from the library page. If you find something you think should be included, please send me email.

  • Instructor
    This is the instructor's personal home page.

Required Readings
Listed below are the required book(s) for Technical Writing:

  • Information in Action, by M. Jimmie Killingsworth

Throughout the course, required textbook readings are marked in the following manner:

TEXTBOOK READING: pages 112-180.

You are also required to read all of the online lessons. These lessons are marked throughout the course in this manner:

ON-LINE LESSON: Introduction to Technical Writing


Most of the topics in this course have at least one assignment. You must complete each of the assignments to pass the course. The method of completing assignments will vary.

See an overview of the modules, topics, and activities for this course.
(You should print the overview and check off each item as you complete it).

Each assignment is marked with this icon

Web Activities

Throughout ENG302 you will be asked to complete activities using the internet. You will either be directed to material on the web, or you will be asked to search the web for information on a particular topic.

Each web activity is marked with this icon


Communication is an important part of ENG302. You will be expected to communicate frequently with other students, work in groups, and communicate with the instructor.

Group activities will be conducted using the NAU Online Conference Center, via Email or through newsgroups. Links to each of these can be found on the communicate page.

Links to students, the instructor, and other types of communication can be found on the communicate page.

Once you have finished, you should:

Go on to The Syllabus
Go back to Class Page

E-mail Greg Larkin at Gregory.Larkin@nau.edu
or call (520) 523-4911

Web site created by the NAU OTLE Faculty Studio


Copyright 1998 Northern Arizona University