Math Stacks Home Page

Math stacks are simple flashcard programs for practicing multiplication and addition on the Macintosh. They are HyperCard stacks, so they require the free HyperCard Player from Apple. I originally wrote the multiplication stack to help my kids learn their times tables, but an elementary school teacher later wrote me and asked very nicely if it could be modified to do addition, so I made another. Division and subtraction would be a bit trickier, but maybe I'll get around to it some day if anyone cares to ask for it.

Instructions: Click on a button to choose a set of problems to practice. Problems will be created at random, so you may occasionally get a repeat. The program has two modes-practice and testing.

Practice Mode: Pretty simple. When a flash card presents a problem, think of the answer or say it out loud (alone or as a group), and then click to see if you were correct.

Test Mode: After practicing, you can take a test and the program will keep track of your accuracy and your speed. It will also make a record of problems you got wrong that you can print for practice.

Info: I wrote the Multiplication Stack to help my own kids, Michael and Julia, learn their times tables but I thought others might find it useful too. If you want to modify the stacks or study how they work, you'll first have to unlock them.

Fees: These stacks are freeware. If you find them useful, a nice way of saying thank you (or asking for help unlocking them) would be to send me a postcard or an e-mail telling me how you are using them. Please pass them along for free to anyone who wants a copy and needs help with their math.

Stacks Last Modified: January, 1999

Larry MacPhee
Center for Technology Enhanced Learning
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ 86011
home page:

Web page last updated: 8/10/2001

Here are some screen shots from the program
Instructions Screen
Practice Mode Screen
Test Mode Screen
Error Record Screen

Step 1.

Download the stacks

Multiplication Stack
Addition Stack

Step 2.

Download HyperCard Player

Search for
"HyperCard Player"
at Apple Computer's
Software Downloads
web page