GLG 101
Dr. Riggs

Send me an e-mail that lists:

1. who the three-four group members are. Provide a short paragraph that describes who did what work in the group. If one person does not contribute, leave their name off the email.

2. three different types of plate boundaries

3. one example of where on Earth each type of boundary is presently, NOT including the examples given in the text (give enough geographic locators so that I know where you are talking about: Asia (for example) is not an acceptable example of where a plate boundary is).

4. what plate is moving away/toward/next to what plate.

To answer questions 2, 3 and 4, look at the map in the textbook on p. 52-53.

5. Go to p. 71 in the text and answer question 19.
Part II will be announced on Thursday.