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BA501 : The Class : POM : SPC
Statistical Process Control

Statistical Process Control (SPC) uses statistical methods in order to track and analyze processes which in turn helps to control these processes.

1. Define key concepts in statistical process control.
2. Determine if data is Attributes or Variables.
3. Distinguish the difference between a Specification Limit and a Control Limit.
4. Determine if a process is in control.
5. Create an -Chart (x-Bar Chart).
6. Create an R-Chart.
7. Create a P-Chart.

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To complete this Topic successfully, please complete the following activities in the order shown below:

Text TEXTBOOK READING : Supplement 4 in Heizer and Render

On-line Lesson ON-LINE LESSON: SPC- Introduction and Examples

Assignment ASSIGNMENT: Home Work

Look here before beginning quiz if using a telephone modem.

Self Test SELF TEST: Practice Quiz

The following site contains many SPC related sites. See where they can lead you.

Web Activity WEB ACTIVITY: Associated Quality Consultants

Use WebMail to send attachments and/or messages. Put BA501 (last name) Assignment name and number somewhere in the "subject" line of your e-mail. Address to

WebMail WEBMAIL: WebMail

myPhlip Login using the spaces to give your e-mail address (DANA account only) and password. Take the both multiple choice exams associated with each chapter. E-mail the results to yourself (but not me). These exams are found on the web site for the textbook under "Study Guide" for each chapter. Click here to continue.

Once you have completed these activities you should:

Go on to Forecasting
Go back to Production Operation Management

Please reference "BA501 (your last name) Assignment name and number" in the subject line of either below.

E-mail Dr. Rakesh Pangasa at
or call (928) 344-7588. Use WebMail for attachments.

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