I'll first describe the process, then discuss it.
The Process
- Designate a role/person to compose and post the Agenda;
person should be designated at least one
class in advance of the scheduled meeting;
- This person, the "AP"(?), lays out the format according to Robert's Rules,
may copy format below;
- Members communicate in writing to "AP" items they wish to have discussed
and decided at next meeting;
- 24 hrs before meeting, "AP" closes 'Submissions', finalizes and
posts the Agenda in a timely manner.
Posting process: compose the Agenda as an HTML file, a webpage, and post it in the "AP's" account,
then in the MUD, create an object "Agenda-date"
with @desc = http://agenda.page.address,
and @set object = C(opy-object).
In this way the Agenda can be accessed both within the MUD and through the Internet.
- Following the meeting, the "AP" @rec's the copy-object, and has copy of the Agenda placed in the Archive.
This process of "submission " agenda and use of simplified
Robert's Rules seems to be culturally neutral yet facilitates equall
access for all members to have their concerns considered by the community
in a fair and systematic manner.
It does presume that you decide how the roles
of Moderator, "AP", Secretary and Archivist. will be assigned - permanently,
on some rotating basis, or other. Secretary takes and prepares the Minutes,
and Archivist files them in an orderly manner as part of the documentation
of the community. In our Department, the senior secretary is assigned
to prepare the agenda, take and prepare the Minutes, and Archive them
after the meeting at which they are approved. In Faculty Senate, one
person is elected to this position with three responsibilities. This
is an organizational problem for you to solve.
Agenda Format
Header: Meeting Name, place, date/time
- Call to Order by Moderator
- Review and Approve MINUTES of Previous Meeting
- Chair's Report / Announcements (Moderator, Base Commander, and/or
- Call for any ammendments to Adenga
- Adenda Items:
- Next Four Task Forces
1. The Scenario
2. Base Operations & Routines
3. Governance & Economy; Administration & Communication
- Task Force Work Sessions - scheduling
- etc.
- etc.
- (selection of officers -Moderator, AP, and Secretary- for next meeting)
- For the Good of the Order
- Adjourn