HA 400
130 Points
Executive Summary
An "executive summary" is a standard and brief (usually one page)
overview of the contents of your paper. It's intent is to provide the reader
ALL of the main findings that your paper will include. Every major research
finding is summarized here. It has two major parts:
(a) Purpose & Scope ( for example, the purpose is an assignment in this
class, name it, and the scope is one specific company and one specific interview,
(b) Conclusions (brief concluding statements about major findings observed
in your research).
It is a summary or abstract of your project and designed to give your busy "future"
boss or any reader a quick overview. If the reader is interested in more detail,
they go to the appropriate section in the MAIN text.
Similar to the Executive Summary, this part introduces your paper yet it is
less formal and less specific. In a "prose" form, why did you pick
this topic? Is this the type of firm that you have long wanted to work for?
Talk about your personal motivations.
Next, give name of and type organization and the person interviewed. Briefly
state the major (4) parts of the paper that you will cover.
Four Parts to the Body of Paper
Part One
First, you will give a more in-depth the organization being researched and then
describe the sales and marketing organization of your chosen sub-industry. Include
a discussion of their marketing plan (strategies and objectives). Specifically,
you MUST describe how the sales force is organized (how many, what territories,
management structure) and the responsibilities (sales quotas only or do they
have other responsibilities?) of all members of the sales department including
any support people. Sometimes, the salesforce may only have one person.
Part Two
Second, inquire about how their salespeople are PREPARED (trained?) to sell
and how they ACTUALLY sell. Use the 4 Phase, 8-Step "Consultative Selling
Model" to guide your questions. You might share this model with the person
that you are interviewing and then ask them to comment on each step. Report
your findings. Additionally, ask about the importance of "Relationship
Marketing." What is their concept of this term and how do they go about
establishing it? (Spend extra time with this concept)
Part Three
Third, ask the person that you are interviewing to tell you their favorite or
most interesting "war story." You will describe a "significant"
example (real life) of a client which was obtained by this organization (include,
who, what, when, where, why, and how). The person that you are interviewing
is almost certain to have such a "memorable" story. Include comments
reflecting the importance of this piece of business to your chosen firm. You
must include details of how the piece of business was obtained
Part Four
Fourth, obtain comments from the person that you are interviewing regarding
their opinion on: (a) the importance of sales and marketing to your chosen industry,
(b) impressions about the career paths (how sales and marketing people end-up
in this industry and does "sales" experience help people to be "promotable?")
and (c) opinions regarding the selling skills and talents that most people bring
with them to the career (could they be better trained?).
What were the main informational points (Content) that you gathered in this
paper? What did you personally gain from this paper? Do you have a better perspective
of your "chosen" hospitality area?
1.0 SEGMENT # 1
2.1 Review Overall Project Specifications
..........2.2 Schedule Appointment with person to interview (Remember people are busy- start early)
3.0 SEGMENT # 35.0 SEGMENT # 5
5.1 Project Interview should be completed
6.0 SEGMENT # 6
6.1 Project is Due
Content According to Specifications Provided by Professor | Possible Points | Actual Points |
20 | |
20 | |
20 | |
20 | |
TABLE OF CONTENTS (Keyed to Page numbers) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (Organize: (a) Purpose & Scope and (b) Summary Findings. |
10 10 10 |
5 | |
10 | |
5 | |
3.0 TOTAL POINTS | 130 |
Send E-mail to "Dr. Mac," (Richard
G McNeill Ed.D., CHME)
or call (520) 523-1713
Copyright © 1999 Northern
Arizona University
Copyright © 2000 Richard
G. McNeill