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Study Guide : Mid-Term Exam

Be familiar with the following terms and concepts:

trade deals
push and pull marketing support
trial rejectors
advertising as an investment
evoked set theory
market share
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
marketing mix
product life cycle stages and characteristics
need and gap analysis
primary and secondary research
Warner's Social Class Theory
outside in and inside out planning
Macro economic and micro economics
psychographics versus demographics
distribution channels
opinion leaders
public relations differing from advertising
cultures and subcultures
SBU, cash cows
marketing versus advertising objectives
behavioralist approach
low versus high involvement categories
borrowed interest
elements of a situation analysis
users and nonusers
production versus consumer orientation
Likert scales
where product positioning occurs
guidelines for writing print advertising
concept of the "big idea"
lateral versus vertical thinking
tips for writing tv and radio advertising
pretesting and posttesting
what sales promotion can and cannot do
coupons, refunds, sampling

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