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Creative Strategy Assignment

This assignment requires the development of a recommended creative strategy for your brand of cookies.

Detailed Instructions

Based on the information you gathered during the Situation Analysis, and particularly the Key Facts you identified develop three creative strategy alternatives. You must submit three different strategies and recommend one of them as the strategy to pursue.

Utilize the format information below. Usually your strategies will differ in the areas of Promise or Communication Objective. They should all be similar to each other, but focus in on one aspect more so than another.

Your document will include:

  1. A one page summary of Key Facts (use your Executive Summary from the Situation Analysis).
  2. Definition of the Advertising Problem
  3. Identification of your evoked set membership
  4. Strategies "A", "B" and "C"
    Each strategy should be written on a separate page and include:
    • Communication objective
    • Target audience
    • Promise
    • Reasons Why
    • Tone Statement

The assignment is due March 31, 1998.

Key Facts: A few statements that sort out all of the information from the Situation Analysis. What are the most important facts that have implications for the message strategy? This may involve the target segment, consumer perceptions, attitudes, competition, etc.

Primary Advertising Problem: This grows out of the key facts. It may be product perception, a target consumer problem, competitive problem or image problem. However, it must be a problem that advertising can solve.

Primary Competition: Identify your evoked set and explain why you believe these items to be within the set. What competitive ad claims will have to be overcome in order for your campaign to be a success?

Strategy Components:

  1. Communication Objective: A clear, concise statement of the desired effect your advertising will have upon the target. The statement should be worked in terms of desired communication. It should be numerically benchmarked.

  2. Target Market: Identify your consumer in terms of demographic and psychographic terms. Be as complete as possible, and be sure to include lifestyle and purchase patterns.

  3. Promise: What is the basic benefit or problem solution that you are offering your target? The benefit or promise should be perceived by the target to be:
    1. important
    2. believable
    3. unique within your evoked set

  4. Reason Why: Support for the promise, which is believable. You must give reasons to the target that your product will do what you say it will.

  5. Tone Statement: A brief statement that indicates the mood of the execution. Determining factors may include the use of humor, upbeat tempo, youthful, serious, authoritative, etc.

Send E-mail to Prof. Rich Lei.
or call (520) 523-2490

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