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  SOC360 : The Class : Web Quest
Sociocultural Aging 


Web Quest

The purpose of the Web Quest is to give you an opportunity to examine the topic of aging and how it applies to culture and society.
In this activity, you are asked to consider various sources through which aging is defined and issues examined. You will consult on-line resources listed below (as well as other on-line and off-line resources you have) to discuss and answer the three questions that follow.
Save your answers on a floppy disk on your computer. You will be asked to record your answers in the VCC in the next group activity. You can copy them from your floppy.

1. Examine state and federal laws. Do you find justification for devoting funds to study the issues of aging?

Senior Law

National Senior Citizens Law Center

National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys

2. What exactly is aging?

What is Aging?

On Defining Senior Citizens

3. Is there really a problem that we need to address concerning health care for seniors? Examine the issue of Medicare to determine if health care for seniors is a problem on a national scale.

The National Council of Senior Citizens

Conflicting Goals Cloud Drug Action

Your Medicare Rights

Return to the Week 9

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Call Sara Aleman at (520) 523-3886

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