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  SOC360 : The Class : Online Reading 7-1-1
Sociocultural Aging 


Online Reading

Before you explore the reading for this week,Well-Being Improves for Most Older People, But Not For All , think about what you already know about aging.
Think about what you don't know about aging. What would you like to know about this topic, and/or the reasons for taking this course?

Well-Being Improves for Most Older People, But Not For All

After you complete the reading above, respond to these questions with clear, concise, statements:

1. What is the most surprising point you learned in this article that you did not know before?

2. What are the barriers to well-being for older people?

3. How can we improve the well-being for older people?

Copy and paste your responses in the VCC.

Return to the Week 7

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Call Sara Aleman at (520) 523-3886

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