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  SOC360 : The Class : Expectations
Sociocultural Aging 


Group Assignment 1:
What are your Expectations of SOC 360

To complete this assignment successfully, you should:

  1. Study the assignment carefully
  2. Complete the assignment as directed

DUE: Second week of class.

I always like to begin my classes by making sure 'we are all on the same page' in regards to the class. I find it beneficial to both me and my students if we begin learning what each of our expectations are for the semester.

I like to find out what I can expect from you, what you expect from me, and what you expect from the course.

Please join in this assignment with me and your fellow classmates. Go to item titled "Expectations of SOC 360" in the Virtual Conference Center and write your expectations.

Once you have completed this assignment you should:

Return to the Week 2 Page



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Call Sara Aleman at (520) 523-5886

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