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  SOC360 : The Class : Syllabus
Sociocultural Aging 


Web Page for the Syllabus

Northern Arizona University
Sociology and Social Work
Soc 360: Sociocultural Aging
Fall 2000


To expose students and to teach them about issues related to aging as it affects ethnic elders and to help students to be more sensitive to aging issues.

Course overview:

This course is a comparative analysis of the social and cultural theories of aging. We will study a few theories on aging;
study ethnic groups of elders and how they view the aging process; look at health behaviors that are found in these populations; and,
learn of life experiences that demonstrate how growing up was different for ethnic elders and the impact that this has had on their health-seeking behaviors.

Short description of the contents.

Content includes a variety of readings that explore how different factors such as context, culture, and social and economic dynamics impact elders in various cultural settings differently. Students explore societal attitudes towards elders in society and their own attitudes about elders both within their own cultures and in other cultures. A diverse aging population is presented for study with special attention given to social and health issues.


The objectives are:

1. to teach students the differences that elders from different ethnic groups bring with them when they come into contact with mainstream groups;
2. for students to learn to value their own aging process;
3. for students to learn about their own ethnic background; and,
4. to have students share some intergenerational experiences with each other.



Required Textbooks:

  • Alemán, S., Fitzpatrick, T., Tran, T.V., & Gonzalez, E. (2000). Therapeutic interventions with ethnic elders. NY: Haworth Press.
  • Stoller, E.P. and Gibson, R.C. (1996). Worlds of difference: Inequality in the aging experience. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
  • Other selected readings will be included as links Films (on Video clubs) articles WEB sites

Evaluation System

o Assignments: All activities are expected to be completed by designated due dates. No late papers/assignments will be accepted so deadlines must be adhered to in order to pass this class.
o Discussion Participation: Each student is expected to go into the chat room and participate in the discussion of comment/questions that are posted. There will be a total of four (4) discussion sessions that will be posted over the semester and each student has to complete at least one response to each comment/question. These responses can be in the form of observations based on the readings, experiences or in response to another student's comments. There will be weekly deadlines for these responses although students may go ahead of the dates and, if so, your comments will come as reactions to the readings or comments from your life experiences.
o Research Paper (Create another text file with all related information about this paper)
o Quizzes: There will be two quizzes during the semester.
o Exams: There will be a mid-term and a final exam. These will be in the form of essay questions. I will give you questions and you will have a week to post your answers.

Week 1 August 20 Intro module
Week 2 Sept 3 con't Quiz Discussion
Week 3 Sept 10 Latino module Discussion
Week 4 Sept 17 con't Discussion
Week 5 Sept 24 con't Quiz
Week 6 Oct 1 Nat.Am Discussion
Week 7 Oct 8 Midterm Exam
Week 8 Oct 15 Nat.Am Discussion
Week 9 Oct 22 AsianAm Discussion
Week 10 Oct 29 Con't Discussion
Week 11 Nov 5 Con't Quiz
Week 12 Nov 12 African Am Discussion
Week 13 Nov 19 Russian Jewish Quiz
Week 14 Nov 26 Films Discussion
Week 15 Dec 3 Summary Week
Week 16 Dec 10 Final Exam

  E-mail Sara Aleman at
Call Sara Aleman at (520) 523-3886

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