HIS 399:  Spring 1999                PAPER TWO:  Guidelines and Links

For your second paper, I would like you to write about  1500  words on an issue of your choice on contemporary India.  The paper must indicate familiar with the historical background and contemporary developments on the subject.  This is why I suggest a paper that follows up a theme you chose to review for your first paper.  However, you may certainly choose a theme that is not connected to your first project.  In either case, I would like you to start perusing the different internet and print sources available on the subject.  On April 13 I would like you to bring to class a PROPOSAL regarding the theme you wish to write about for the paper, ALONG WITH A LIST OF SOURCES/INFORMATION you will use to write it.

To get up on current affairs in India, I would like you to read ONE national newspaper (Times of India, Hindustan Times, Indian Express, Hindu, etc.), ONE regional newspaper (Statesman, Telegraph, Decccan Herald, etc. ) ONE news magazine (India Today, Outlook, Frontline) or a specialist newspaper (like a business paper, eg, Economic Times or Financial Times).  Read at least three issues of the newspapers and two of the magazine before finalizing your paper topic.  You will find links to most newspapers and magazines at  http://www.samachar.com/ .  I have included some additional links below to help you get started.  These are by no means exhaustive, however, I would like you to clear any NEW sites you may decide to use with me before you go too far ahead with your research.

 South Asia Current Affairs Links   (from My web page )

Not included there is the Economic and Political Weekly of India (EPW).  This has to be one of the world's most unique journals.  Not only does the EPW combine close attention to current politics, it also publishes the works of the some of the world's best-known scholars on India, and does so on a WEEKLY basis.  Current issues are now available online.

Cline library also carries paper copies of this journal (HC431 .E326) and there is an index to the articles from 1966 - 1996 (HC431 .E3263 1996).

See also:

 Government of India: Ministry of External Affairs (includes various links with the official government position on many issues)

A Link discussing the  Kashmir issue

Two sites that take a critical look at the growth of Hindutva or Hindu Communalism in contemporary India
 Hate crimes

Two home pages that have wonderful links to politics and social issues in India

 David Ludden's Home Page
            particularly his link to  politics of Hindutva

 Gene Thursby's India Resources Page
           particularly his section on  social and political issues

A site with great links on issues relating to South Asian women is SAWNET