Miscellaneous (hopefully interesting !!!) Links

 Census of India 1891 and 1871 online

 online journals page

            Post Sept. 11th Essays: SSRC Collection

            Many Fundamentalisms:  Comments on Religion, Politics, and Power (Hindustan Times)

 UC Press: FULL TEXT South Asian Books

 Richard Eaton. Rise of Islam and the Bengal Frontier (FULL TEXT)

 Metcalf. ed.: Making Muslim Space in North America and Europe

 Joseph Alter: The Wrestler's Body

 Gene Irschick: Dialog and History

 Nita Kumar: Friends, Brothers, and Informants

 Ramanujan: A Flowering Tree

EPW Review of Fractured Modernity, Dec 01, 2001

Seminar Review of Fractured Modernity, February 2002

Interview with Kancha Iliaiah: From Proxsa/Foil

 Other India Books

 Asia Maps

 Weber Texts Online

 Weber: Protestant Ethic and Spirit of Capitalism

 Sociologist Links

 Marxist Archive

 Karl Marx: On the Jewish Question

Karl Marx: Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Law (Right). Introduction.

 Gayatri Spivak Page

 Theories of Colonialism and Postcolonialism

 Foucault Links!

 Habermas Links

 Ashis Nandy Page and Links

 Cricket in the West Indies: An Essay

 Cricket as Discourse on Colonialism: Manthia Diawara

 Achin Vanaik article (Amartya Sen)

 The Asia Society

 Indian Politics on the Internet: A Guide.   By Robert Hardgrave

 Thirteenth Indian general Elections: A Preview By Philip Oldenburg

 Other Reports on the Thirteenth Elections

 1999 Elections in India

 Asian Films

 Asia Maps

 Pakistan Government Official Site

 Official Govt. of India Site

 Govt. of India: Directory of Official Websites

 Dutch Portuguese Colonial History

 European Voyages of discovery to India

 Asia Links

 Tokugawas: Britannica

 Meiji Japan: Britannica


 Caste: God of Small Things
 Study Guide to GoST

 Indian Hemp Commission 1893 Report

 Indian history teaching links

 India's Ranking (and other useful links)

 Ludden's frequently asked questions about Indian history

 (Some of) David Ludden's links for British India

 Bose and Jalal: Online Companion

 David Ludden South Asian history page

 Intro to world religions

 vedic india

Arun Shourie of the Left  Ram Guha's diatribe against Arundhati Roy

 Arundhati Roy Interview in Frontline

 Chitraroopa Palit defends the NBA against Ram Guha

Gadgil reviews Guha's environmentalism: a global history

Review of Guha's An Anthropologist Among The Marxists And Other Essays,

 Little Magazine

sufi orders on the web

sufi links

Review of Shireen Ratnagar's book on Harappa


 Public Sphere in India

 Case for Enlightenment in India: Meera Nanda EPW July 7, 2001

 SARAI's in process India links


 Phule's Biography

 Phule's Slavery

 Secessionist Sites

 Human Rights Watch: Caste and Durban Conference

 South Asia Citizen's Web: Secularism etc

 Sumit Sarkar, Fascism of the Sangh Parivar

 Ideas and Writings on South Asia : UVA Link

 AltIndia: A Site with interesting links for teaching

 South Asia Documents: Interesting articles on different aspects of Indian history and culture

 Akhbar: Progressive News about South Asia

 Communalism Combat: A journal (also research into history textbooks)

 How Textbooks Teach Prejudice: From Communalism Combat

 Frances Pritchett's Bookmarks: Excellent set of links to maps, images, and more

 Nathuram Godse Page and Links

 Another Gandhi Site


 horseplay in harappa

Under Construction:  Last Updated:  11. 13. 2002