Helpful Chemistry Review Info:

The following links and information are just a few starting places for web information that may be useful during the semester.

Remember everybody is welcome to attend the Recitation sessions on Wednesday 3:00-5:00 (registered or not) in Building 20 Room 224.

Don't forget that your Supplemental Instructor  (Melody Satvat) is an absolutely wonderful source of help/assistance for quizzes and exams.  Please check her hours using the link on the previous page.

In addition to the Chemistry Now CD that came with your book, a couple of good review sources are:

From your text book publishers:

Other sources:

History of Atom Time Line

Yet Another History of the Atom Time Line

How can I say it .... Another Atomic History Time LIne

Much Fancier Atom Time Line with Images of Scientists

In addition:

The Learning Assistance Centers will be offering tutoring in CHM 151 during the semester.  Students may access a tutor by calling the NLAC at 523-5524 or the SLAC at 523-7391 and scheduling an appointment.  Appointments are 45 minutes long and are free.

The info in purple is out of date and needs to be updated:
Tutors are also available in the residence halls in the evenings from 7-10pm for drop in assistance according to the following schedule: 
Monday - Reilly Hall
Tuesday - Sechrist Hall
Wednesday - McConnell Hall

Online tutoring with the same tutors available in the centers is available from anywhere you have internet access.  It's as easy as logging on at and clicking on the "online tutoring" button to locate the online tutoring schedule.

In addition, the Study Skills Specialist, Kristian Wiles, is available for hour long individual appointments if students are struggling with study skills issues (i.e. time management, reading a text, note taking, test anxiety?).  Students may access him by calling 523-5524 to schedule an appointment.  Appointments with Kristian are free. Kristian also leads weekly workshops on specific study skills.  Check the LAC website for workshops and times: .

 Students may call either the NLAC at 523-5524 or the SLAC at 523-7391 if they have questions.

Semi-Worthless Information