The Solar Acadimie & Company It is proposed that there exist in the Principality of the Sun, an Acadimie & Company devoted to the study of the art of defense with rapier. Purpose of the Acadimie and Company. To study and learn the most noble art of defense; the forms of civilian combat utilized by the gentility and street fighters of Europe. The time period covered by these two sister organizations is that of the mid to late 16th Century and the early 17th Century. The Acadimie and Company are open to those individuals who wish to study the civilian forms of combat with sword and rapier. The members of the Acadimie and Company will wear specific colored scarves upon their left shoulder to indicate the level of expertise in the guild. The Acadimie and Company will be overseen by the Defenders of the White Scarf (Provosts) who reside within the boundaries of the Principality. General Rules of Conduct Uphold the honor of the Acadimie or Company Use period style weapons, terms and clothing Share knowledge of the Art with others Follow Kingdom and Principality rules regarding rapier combat Always leave the field of combat with honor intact The Acadimie The members of the Acadimie shall be those individuals aspiring to conduct themselves as ladies and gentlemen of the court. This shall include instruction in the art of defense with rapier, the arts, courtly behavior and the noble pastimes. Anyone wishing to enter the Acadimie shall make the request known to an Acadimie Provost. The Company The members of the company shall be those individuals aspiring to conduct themselves as adventurers normally found outside of courtly circles. They shall receive instruction in gaming sport as well as the courtly graces necessary for continued survival and prosperity in the Society for Creative Anachronism. Anyone wishing to enter the Company shall make the request known to a Company Provost. Prospect Any person wishing to become a scholar of defense in either the Acadimie or Company shall fulfill these requirements: first, it must be known that their temperament is appropriate for rapier combat. Second, they must be able to demonstrate a complete understanding of the basic rules of safety. Third, they shall acquire sufficient equipment to meet the minimal standards of armament. And finally they shall express the desire to consistently practice the Art of Defense. Once they have met these qualifications they shall receive a red scarf. Advancement in Rank It is the purpose of both the Acadimie and Company to Elevate their members in skill and rank. While not all members are expected to aspire to the heavy responsibilities of higher rank, each shall do his or her best to assist any and all fellows in achieving the highest level possible. Each school shall offer individual styles and facets of training according to the abilities of its Provost. While the Provost shall be given first priority and respect in decisions regarding her or his students, this is not a cadet system. Students owe their allegiance to the Crown and the Art of Defense. Each and every student is the responsibility of the Provosts as a body and the Provosts shall share in the advancement of rank in the following manner. Red Scarf The red scarf may be given by a single Provost, or by a Lieutenant with permission of a Provost. Fellow Provosts should, when possible, be notified before this action is taken and shall be notified after. The red scarf may be given in the presence of a gathering of local fighters or at a Baronial Court. Whenever a scarf (no matter the color) is given in a baronial court or higher, permission must be granted by Crown. Red and Gold Scarf The red and gold scarf may be given by a single Provost, or a Lieutenant with a Provost's permission. The local body of current holders of red and gold scarves should, when possible, be asked for their opinion and at least one additional Provost shall be consulted. The body of Provosts should be notified, when possible, before giving the scarf. This scarf shall be given, whenever possible, in a Baronial Court. Gold Scarf The Gold Scarf shall be presented by a 2/3 majority of Principality Provosts with a Quorum present. The local body of Gold Scarves shall be asked for their opinion which shall be presented to the Provosts as a report. The Provost to whose school the individual belongs shall have two votes. If the candidate does not belong to a particular school a Provost sponsor shall be selected. This sponsor shall have two votes. A 2/3 majority of Provosts votes shall be necessary to confer the scarf. This scarf may be given at a Kingdom or Principality level and may be presented at a Baronial Court. Removal of Rank While it is the stated purpose of the Order to raise members in skill and rank, it sometimes becomes necessary to take rank away. When these times occur, it shall be done in this manner: The red scarf may be taken from a student by a Provost, or by a Lieutenant with the permission of a Provost. Fellow Provosts shall be notified as to the cause. The red and gold scarf shall be taken from a student by a Provost with the agreement of a second Provost. Fellow red and gold scarf holders should be consulted for their opinion. Fellow Provosts shall be notified as to the cause. The gold scarf may only be taken away by a 2/3 majority vote of the Principality Provosts with a quorum present. The local body of gold scarf holders shall be consulted for their opinion. The student's Provost or sponsor shall have two votes. Return of a Removed Scarf The student who has had a scarf taken must remedy the problem which resulted in the removal of the scarf. While this may be done under the care of another Provost, care must be taken that a scarf is not returned without the knowledge of the one who removed the scarf. The Ranks of the Guild Scholar/Bravado The Scholar/Bravado is expected to study the Art of Defense. This study shall include the proper execution of parry and thrust, with the use of the off-hand for defense. The scholar must also demonstrate knowledge of period footwork and wards. The scholar is expected to know local marshallate custom in regards to the acceptance of blows and proper etiquette of the duello. The scholar shall maintain competence in the art of defense with rapier and shall begin a pursuit of "courtly graces" and have begun to acquire period clothing to suit their persona as well as proper armament. Those scholars who meet these qualifications and who are deemed worthy by the Provosts, may be presented with a red and gold scarf indicating that they are a Free Scholar/Swordsman. Free Scholar/Swordman The Free Scholar/Swordsman is expected to practice the Art of Defense. This shall include the proper execution of draw and tip cuts, the use of the point, and the use of off-hand weapons (defensive and offensive) such as the dagger, buckler, cloak and rapier. The Free Scholar/Swordsman shall assist the local marshals and Provosts in performance of their duties and shall have an honorable reputation in the acceptance of blows. The Free Scholar shall participate in tourneys and train on a regular basis. They shall demonstrate improved competence in the art of defense with rapier and be known to practice the courtly graces/living history arts. They shall also own sufficient period clothing and armament. When these qualifications have been met and if the individual passes an evaluation and are deemed worthy by the Provosts, the Free Scholar/Swordsman may be presented with a gold scarf indicating that they are now a Lieutenant/Swashbuckler. Lieutenant/Swashbuckler This person is expected to excel in the Art of Defense. This shall include advanced proficiency in the use of the five standard weapon combinations (single rapier, rapier & dagger, rapier & buckler, rapier & cloak, case of rapiers) and the knowledge of period terms, techniques and styles. The Lieutenant/Swashbuckler shall participate in marshaling and the running of tourneys and shall assist the Provosts in teaching the art of defense and assisting in rewarding the lower ranks. They shall also be known by their practice of the courtly graces/living history arts and their clothing and armament shall exemplify period style. They shall also assist others in selecting appropriate gear. Approved this day by Our Hands on __________________ Princeps Princepessa Solar Herald *************************************************** William Wilson, known in ECW Circles as Captain William Bowen and in the SCA as Barwn Meistr Gwylym ab Owain Tattershal