Diet for Small Planet (or how to survive grad school and stay healthy).

These are a couple of recipes which are good and filling and cheap. I got started making them when a student and they are still a staple...


Cook 2 cups of pinto beans till soft (soak overnight then simmer low for 3 hours or so with plenty of water) drain out most of the water and add two tablespoons each of sugar, salt, cayenne pepper and cumin. Refrigerate - it will keep for about a week.

Serve that over rice and make... chop finely one very large onion (food processors are good here) then zap in microwave for 6 minutes (this is not necessary if you don't have a micro but it makes them sweeter or less tart). While that is doing chop finely a bunch of cilantro, two jalipinio peppers, half a cup of lemon juice and a tablespoon of salt (wiz till fine if you have a food processor). Then chop 5 cans of tomatoes and add it all together.