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Web Search Tips and Tricks

We've all done a web search, but this tutorial is about how to get more out of a web search but taking advantage of some of the lesser known tricks.

1. How does Google’s search engine work?

page rank  

Visualization of the page rank algorithm

2. Open Google's search page in a new window by right clicking on this link and selecting Open in New Window from the menu:

Google logo

3. Typing a search term.

white perch  

the white perch, Morone americana

4. Try the following searches using these custom search options:

paris hiltoneiffel towerhilton hotel

Which one were you looking for?

Google Search sidebar  5. Note that when you do a regular search, Web is highlighted in the upper left of your search results page as shown here --->

6. Google ignores common words unless you tell it not to

7. Sponsored links...what are they?

8. Open a browser to:

9. Google’s SafeSearch

safe search

10. What do Google search results look like in other countries?

11. Search engine vs. calculation engine

12. Other search engines:

13. Try the Babelfish, Bing or Google tool for language translation.

14: What if I want to search the way a website used to look in the past?

15: People searches

16: Map searches

17. How do I clear my search history from my browser?