Northern Arizona University

Central Phoenix Campus


“My Cup of Tea”

D. Scott Herrmann, Ph.D.

Adjunct Professor

Welcome to my NAU page!  I have developed this page as a resource for students who are taking one of my classes, and also for those who are considering enrolling in one of my classes.  Each class I teach has an associated link where you can learn more about the course content and requirements, take a look at the course syllabus, and also find out what texts and supplementary readings are required.  These pages also contain some information about my background and theoretical underpinnings,  both of which should give you a flavor for how I approach my teaching.  In a nutshell, I invest heavily in making sure my classes are entertaining and enjoyable, but I also expect and demand a great deal from the students who enroll in my classes.  I believe that learning is an active process, and what you get from a class is directly related to what you put into it. I expect students to “drink deeply from the fountain of knowledge.” Feel free to call me or email me if you want more information about one of my classes.  My door is always open, and I am always happy to consult regarding class content or your career path!


Contact Information:


D. Scott Herrmann, Ph.D.

Phone: (602) 828-0749



Northern Arizona University

Central Phoenix Campus

15601 N. 28th Avenue

Phoenix, AZ  85053