Northern Arizona University

Central Phoenix Campus

Text Box: Curriculum Vitae
Don "Scott" Herrmann, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist
Text Box: Herrmann, D. S., Sipsas-Herrmann, A., Stafford, M., & Herrmann, N. (2005).  Benefits and risks of intergenerational program participation by senior citizens.  Educational Gerontology, 31 (2), 123-138.
Text Box: Herrmann, D. S., & McWhirter, J. J. (2003).  Anger & aggression management in young adolescents: An experimental validation of the SCARE program.  Education & Treatment of Children. 26 (3), 273-302.
Text Box: Journal Articles:
Text Box: Herrmann, D. S., & Stone, J. (2003, Winter).  Psychological evaluations for probation officers: A rationale and recommendations.  Executive Exchange: The Quarterly Journal of the National Association of Probation Executives, 13-15.
Text Box: Herrmann, D.S., McWhirter, R. J., & Sands, J. M. (2002).  Clients in crisis:  The initial meeting with detained defendants.  The Defender: A Quarterly Publication of the Arizona Attorneys for Criminal Justice, April, 21-25.
Text Box: Herrmann, D. S., Durante, M. K., & Ford, R.C. (2002).  An experimental validation study of the SASSI: Predicting alcohol related behavior in law enforcement applicants.  Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 16 (2), 58-70.
Text Box: Herrmann, D. S., McWhirter, J. J., & Sipsas-Herrmann, Athanasia (1997). The relationship between dimensional self-concept and juvenile gang involvement: Implications for prevention, intervention, and court referred diversion programs. Behavioral Sciences & The Law, 15, (2) 181-194.	
Text Box: Herrmann, D. S. (1997).  Review of Alan Harland's "Choosing correctional options that work: Defining the demand and evaluating the supply."  Contemporary Psychology, 42 (8), 755.
Text Box: McWhirter, J. J., Herrmann, D. S., Jefferys, K., & Quinn, M. M. (1997).  Tools for violence prevention.  Catholic School Studies, 70 (1), 15-19.
Text Box: 	Herrmann, D. S., & McWhirter, J. J. (1997).  Refusal and resistance skills for children and adolescents: A selected review.  Journal of Counseling & Development, 75 (3), 177-187. 
Text Box: Herrmann, D. S., & McWhirter, J. J. (1996).  Review of Albert Ellis' "Better, Deeper, & More Enduring Brief Therapy: The Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Approach." Contemporary Psychology,  41 (11), 1146-1147.
Text Box: Tansy, M., Santos de Barona, M., McWhirter, J. J., & Herrmann, D. S. (1996).  Peer and cross-age tutoring programs: Counselor contributions.  Guidance and Counselling, 12 (1), 21-24.
Text Box: Herrmann, D. S., & McWhirter, J. J. (1996).  Review of Ann Goetting's "Homicide in Families and other Special Populations."  Contemporary Psychology, 41 (2), 188.
Text Box: Craske, M. G., & Herrmann, D. S., (1993).  Cues for health related imagery in analogue worriers: A brief report.  Behavior Research and Therapy, 31, 417-422.
Text Box: Books / Manuals / Videos
Text Box: Herrmann, D. S., & McWhirter, J. J. (2001).  The SCARE Program: Student Created Aggression Replacement Education.  Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. 
*Recognized as a "promising program" in 2001 by the U.S. Department of Education,  and noted for its "quality, usefulness and educational significance" by the USDE Expert Panel on Safe, Text Box: 	Herrmann, D.S., Daggett, M., Fitzsimons, M., Rodriguez, N., Davis-Wendler, E., Sipsas-Herrmann, A. (2003).  Fight Back With Love – Every Adult Has A Responsibility To Prevent Bullying.  Phoenix, AZ: Maricopa County Juvenile Probation Department (OJJDP Grant Funded Program). 
*NACO award winning bullying prevention and education program.  Currently being utilized in every U.S. State and four countries.  
Text Box: Book Chapters:
Text Box: McWhirter, J. J., McWhirter, B. T., & Herrmann, D. S. (1997).  Counseling theory: A rationale and a framework for an eclectic approach.  In D. Capuzzi & D. R. Gross (Eds.), Introduction to the counseling profession (2nd ed). Allyn and Bacon: Boston, MA
Text Box: Commissioned Reports:
Text Box: McWhirter, J. J., & Herrmann, D. S. (1994).  Anger reduction for middle school students. Tempe: Arizona State University, College of Education (sponsored by Prudential Securities and the City of Phoenix).
Text Box: McWhirter, J. J., Jeffries, K., & Herrmann, D. S. (1994).  Anger reduction for high school students.  Tempe: Arizona State University, College of Education (sponsored by Prudential Securities and the City of Phoenix).
Text Box: Papers:
Text Box: Herrmann, D. S. (2000).  Reducing anger and aggression in adolescents: Post test and delayed follow-up.  Paper presented at annual convention of the Hawaii Psychological Association, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Text Box: Ford, R., & Herrmann, D. S. (1997).  SASSI accuracy in law enforcement settings: A validation study.  Paper presented at the 105th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Text Box: Herrmann, D. S., McWhirter, J. J., & Sipsas-Herrmann, A. (August, 1996).  The relationship between dimensional self-concept and juvenile gang involvement.  Paper presented at the 104th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Text Box: Sipsas-Herrmann, A., Roberts, M. L., Pyburn, C., Herrmann, D. S., Dugan, T. H., & Eppinger, J. (June, 1996).  The long term maintenance of attitude change towards children with disabilities following a bibliotherapy intervention.  Paper presented at the 8th annual convention of the American Psychological Society, San Francisco, CA.
Text Box: Sipsas-Herrmann, A., Roberts, M. L., Pyburn, C. S., Herrmann, D. S., Dugan, T. S., & Eppinger, J. (March, 1996).  The differential effects of fiction and nonfiction literature: Increasing the acceptance of children with disabilities.  Paper presented at the 28th annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Atlanta, GA.
Text Box: Craske, M. G., & Herrmann, D. S. (October, 1991).  Illness stimuli: The role of disconfirmation.  Paper presented at the 25th annual convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavioral Therapy, New York.
Text Box: Presentations, Workshops, and Formal Addresses:
Text Box: 	Prevention in Context: The SCARE Program.  Invited address, United States Department of Education, Safe and Drug Free Schools, Washington D.C. (August 6, 2001). 
Text Box: 	Curbing aggression in at-risk youth: School based prevention and intervention.  Invited address, University of Hawaii, Manoa (May 25, 2001). 
Text Box: Cross-generational violence prevention programs.  Formal address at the 2000 California Park & Recreation Society and National Recreation & Park Association’s Annual Conference (March 17, 2000, Ontario, California).
Text Box: Profiles of school violence: Strategies for reducing teenage aggression.  Talk radio guest interview and discussant KFI 910, AM (May 17, 1999, Phoenix, AZ).
Text Box: Teaching Experience:  (Courses in red indicate current classes offered)
Text Box: EPS 625:  Intermediate Statistics
Instructor: Northern Arizona University, Central Phoenix Campus, AZ.
Designed and taught master’s level course focusing on diverse statistical methods and procedures.  Course involved both didactic lecture and laboratory component using SPSS statistical software.
Text Box: EPS 692: Counseling Practicum
Instructor: Northern Arizona University, Central Phoenix Campus, AZ.
Taught master’s level counseling practicum course focusing on case conceptualization, treatment planning, and delivery of services.  Additionally, provided individual case conferencing, clinical supervision, and didactic group instruction.
Text Box: EPS 664: Tests & Measurement
Instructor: Northern Arizona University, Central Phoenix Campus, AZ.
Designed and taught graduate level course focusing on psychological assessment and testing.  Responsible for all phases of instruction, including curriculum development, lecturing and student assessment.
Text Box: EPS 611: Adolescent Psychology
		Instructor: Northern Arizona University, Central Phoenix Campus, AZ.
Designed and taught graduate level course focusing on adolescent psychology and at-risk issues. Responsible for all phases of instruction, including curriculum development, lecturing and student assessment.
Text Box: EPS 591: Personality Adjustment
Instructor: Northern Arizona University, Central Phoenix Campus, AZ.
Designed and taught graduate level course focusing on psychological foundations, personality development, and adaptability.  Responsible for all phases of instruction, including curriculum development, lecturing and student assessment.
Text Box: CPNS 504:  Elementary School Counseling
		Instructor:  University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC Canada.
Designed and taught graduate level course focusing on elementary school counseling and common psychological disorders of childhood.  Responsible for all phases of instruction, including curriculum development, lecturing and student assessment.
Text Box: CED 583: Working with At-Risk Youth
Co-instructor:	Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
Designed and co-taught graduate level course, focusing on prevention / intervention strategies with at-risk youth.  Responsible for all phases of instruction, including curriculum development, lecturing and student assessment. 
Text Box: CED 680: Counseling Practicum
Co-instructor: Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Co-taught master’s level counseling practicum course focusing on case conceptualization, treatment planning, and delivery of services.  Additionally, provided individual case conferencing, clinical supervision, and didactic group instruction.
Text Box: EDP 310: Behavior Modification
Instructor:  Arizona State University, Tempe AZ.
Designed and taught an introductory undergraduate behavior modification / learning principles course.  Responsible for all phases of instruction, including curriculum development, lecturing and student assessment. 
Text Box: 	Herrmann, D. S., Sipsas-Herrmann, A., & Herrmann, N. (2002).  Psychological benefits and risks of intergenerational program participation by seniors.  Paper presented at the 110th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
Text Box: 	“Managing anger: Student created aggression replacement education.”  Formal address at the 21st Annual Conference on Severe Behavior Disorders of Children and Youth (November 19, 1999, Scottsdale, AZ.  
Text Box: 	The SCARE Program: Anger management and violence reduction for at-risk adolescents.  Formal address at the National Middle School Association’s 26th Annual Conference (October 29, 1999, Orlando, Florida).
Text Box: 	The SCARE Program: Student Created Aggression Replacement Education.  Formal address at the United States Attorney’s Office 8th Annual Four Corners Indian Country Conference (September 8, 1999, Flagstaff, AZ). 
Text Box: 	Violence in our schools:  Lessons learned from the Columbine High School incident.  Expert panel member with Dr. Steven Band, FBI Behavioral Sciences Unit Director, Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Town Summit (May 12, 1999, Phoenix, AZ).

Postdoctoral Fellowship in 

Clinical Child Psychology


Tripler Army Medical Center

(APA Accredited)

1 Jarrett White Road

Honolulu, Hawaii  96859

National Register of Health     

Service Providers in Psychology

NRHSPP # 50239


National Register of Health Service Providers In Psychology

1120 G Street, NW, Suite 330

Washington, D.C., 20005

Licensed Psychologist

Arizona # 3446


Arizona Board of

Psychologist Examiners

1400 West Washington #235

Phoenix, AZ  85007

Licensed Psychologist

California # 19821


California Board of Psychology

1422 Howe Avenue, Suite 22

Sacramento, CA  95825-3236

National Certified Counselor

NCC# 58015


National Board of

Certified Counselors

3 Terrace Way, Suite D

Greensboro, NC  27403-3660



Arizona State University

(APA Accredited)

Tempe, Arizona

Major: Counseling Psychology

GPA:  4.0 / 4.0

Master of Counseling


Arizona State University

(CACREP Accredited)

Tempe, Arizona

Major:  Counseling

GPA:  4.0 / 4.0

Bachelor of Arts


University of California, Los Angeles

Los Angeles, CA

Major: Psychology

GPA:  3.4 / 4.0