NAU Biology BIO 326
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BIO326 : Community : Community Patterns : Review Questions

Community Patterns: Review Questions

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DUE: 14-Apr-2000. Work sent after this date will receive a grade of zero.
1. The text suggests several ways that changes in niche breadth and overlap could account for the high diversity in the tropics.

a) What is an ecological niche?

b) Which of the text's suggestions seems to be exemplified by birds and bats? Explain.

2. Diversity on islands was modeled as a balance of rates.

a) A rate is a ratio. What were the two ratios in the model of island biogeography in Fig. 24.11 (page 561)?

b) Why was each of the two rate lines in Fig. 24.11 (page 561) curved and not linear?

3. Some species in similar habitats in different parts of the world seem very similar even though they are not related. What might be responsible for such convergence of species?

4. What is the concept of a minimum viable population and how is ensuring an MVP made difficult if a species is migratory?

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