NAU Biology BIO 326
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BIO326 : Community : Community Structure : Vegetation Mapping

Exercise: Vegetation Mapping

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DUE: 31-Mar-2000. Work sent after this date will receive a grade of zero.
The United States Geological Survey is in the process of mapping the nation's vegetation communities.

1. How does the USGS define the basic unit of the vegetation classification (i.e., the association)?

2. Does the USGS consider the association as consistent with the closed community concept or the open community concept? Explain.

3. What does the USGS mean by physiognomy?

4. One site in Arizona that has been mapped is Tuzigoot National Monument. How many vegetation types have been identified in the survey area, and how many of those are woodland?

5. One of the woodland vegetation types is Fremont cottonwood/Goodding's willow. What is the characteristic environment for this woodland in the survey area?

6. At Tuzigoot has this vegetation type been invaded by exotic species? If so, name one such exotic species.

7. Do you think that this vegetation type occupies approximately 50%, 25%, 10%, or less than 5% of the land surface surveyed? Explain.

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E-mail Professor Gaud at
or call (520) 523-7516
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