NAU Biology BIO 326
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BIO326 : Community : Community Structure : Community Organization

Exercise: Community Organization

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DUE: 31-Mar-2000. Work sent after this date will receive a grade of zero.

1. In a sample of insects from the ponderosa pine forest, 190 species were found. The frequencies of the species were plotted and found to conform to the log-normal distribution with dispersion of 3.0 and a modal number of species of 30.

a) How many species of these insects are theoretically present in the forest? Show how you arrived at this number.

b) Does this percentage of the total insect fauna indicate an adequate sample of the forest? Explain.

2. A survey of the birds in the spruce-fir forest on the San Francisco Peaks revealed 10 species with the following abundances: 50, 40, 25, 10, 8, 6, 5, 3, 2, 1.

a) What is the value of Simpson's index for this sample?

b) What is the value of the Shannon-Weaver index for this sample?

c) What is the value of eH for this sample?

d) What is the species richness for this sample?

e) Which of the four values representing species diversity seems most useful and which least useful? Explain.

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E-mail Professor Gaud at
or call (520) 523-7516
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