NAU Biology BIO 326
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BIO326 : Community : Community Structure : Lesson

Community Structure: Lesson

Glossary terms that are important in this lesson:

Association, continuum, diversity index, ecotone, emergent properties, food web, gradient, guild, log-normal distribution, power function, relative abundance, species richness, trophic level

Use the outline below to guide your study of the material in this lesson. The outline follows the book, but indicates those topics the instructor feels are most important for you to learn in the course. You should read all the pages that are assigned, but the outline will help you focus your study.

I. Community Structure

  1. Hypotheses

  2. Concepts

  3. Definition of community

  4. Natural units of organization

  5. Trophic structure and food webs

  6. Relative abundance

  7. Species and area

When you have completed this lesson, go on to Review Questions

E-mail Professor Gaud at
or call (520) 523-7516
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