NAU Biology BIO 326
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BIO326 : Individual : Environmental Variation : Tables and Formulas

Exercise: Tables and Formulas

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DUE: 28-Jan-2000. Work sent after this date will receive a grade of zero.
Last week you learned to find answers to quantitative questions using the calculator built into the computer. This week we will learn to use a spreadsheet, a much more powerful tool.

1. The following normals of maximum and minimum temperatures characterize coastal locations in South Carolina for May:




Edisto Island80.263.1
Hilton Head82.562.0
Sullivans Island81.163.7

Open a spreadsheet, e.g., Excel, and enter the information from the above table (including the heading) in columns A - C. In column D, put the heading, "Difference."

In Row 2, Col D, put the formula for the difference. Type the equals sign, then click on the cell in Row 2, Col B. Type a minus sign. Click on the cell at Row 2, Col C. Type the enter key. The daily difference now appears in Row 2, Col D. The difference is calculated by the formula, so, if you change the value in one of the cells in the formula (either the maximum temperature, the minimum temperature, or both) the difference is immediately recalculated.

Now click on the cell in Row 2, Col D, and hold down the left mouse button. Drag the cursor down to the cell at Row 6, Col D, and release the mouse button. While holding down the CTRL button on the keyboard, type the letter "d" (for down). This takes the formula in Row 2, Col D, and repeats it in the other selected cells. It also makes the cell references in the formula relative to the appropriate row. Click on any row in column D, and you will see that the row numbers in the formula change as you go down the column.

If you are using Quattro Pro, the repeat procedure varies slightly. Click on cell (2,D) with the right mouse button, then click on copy with the left mouse button. Select the target cells by clicking with the left mouse button on cell (3,D), holding it down, drag the cursor to cell (6,D). With the cursor positioned on the blackened selected cells, click the right mouse button, then click on paste.

2. The following normals of maximum and minimum temperatures were calculated from weather observations taken at Pinopolis Dam, SC, for the following months:





Enter the data from the table above into a spreadsheet and calculate the range of temperatures for the months given. Copy the resulting table from the spreadsheet and paste it into the text box below. Click on the upper, left cell of the table (1,A), holding the left mouse button down, drag it to the bottom, right cell of the table (7,D), and release the mouse button. With the cursor positioned on the blackened selected cells, click the right mouse button, then click on copy. Open the window containing Netscape (or Explorer), and place the cursor in the text box. Click the right mouse button, then click on paste.

How did the magnitudes and ranges of temperatures compare between fall and spring versus winter and summer?

3. A scientist subjected plants to five types of fertilizer in an experiment. Each treatment produced the following numbers of seeds at the end of the growing season.

of Seeds

Open a spreadsheet, e.g., Excel, and enter the information from the above table (including the heading) in columns A - B. In column C, put the heading, "Percent."

To find the total number of seeds produced, click on cell (7,B). Then click on fx on the tool bar at the top of the screen. A "Paste Function" dialog box appears. In the "Function category" window, click on "Math & Trig." In the "Function name" window, doubleclick on "SUM." Click anywhere in the gray area of the function dialog box and drag it down and to the right so that you can again see the columns containing your data. Note that the dialog box already indicates that it will find the sum of the numbers in the range of cells B2:B6. That's what you want. However, in case the box did not already show the desired range, you would click on cell (B2), holding down the left mouse button, drag the cursor down to cell (B6). Then click in the dialog box on "OK."

To find the percent of total seeds contributed by each treatment, click on cell (2,C). Then type the equals sign. Type 100, followed by an asterix. Click on cell (2,B). Type /, the divisor sign. Click on cell (7,B). Type Enter.

Before you repeat this formula for the other cells, you need to make the reference to (7,B) absolute so that the formula always divides by the value in that cell even though the reference to the other cell changes. Click on cell (2,C). Move the cursor to the formula bar and click just in front of 7 in the cell reference. Type a "$" so that the reference is B$7. Type Enter. Now, as before, repeat the formula in the appropriate cells. If you click on each of the cells showing the percentages, you will see that the row remains 7 for the sum of seeds, but changes for each treatment.

Check your percentages to be sure they all add up to 100%. Click on cell (7,C) and calculate the sum. ALWAYS check your work. NEVER assume that a calculator or computer will give you the right answer.

4. Mice in a population were found to occur in five age groups, with the following numbers of individuals in each age group. Only the beginning of the age group is given.

of Mice

Using a spreadsheet, determine the total population size and the percent of the population in each age group. Copy the resulting table from the spreadsheet and paste it into the text box below.

Is the average mouse young or old?

For grading purposes, please provide the following information:

Your Name:  
Your Email address:  

Once you have filled in all of the areas above, click the Send the assignment button below to send the assignment to the instructor.


E-mail Professor Gaud at
or call (520) 523-7516
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