NAU Biology BIO 372
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BIO372 : Evolution : Origin of Life : Review Questions

Origin of Life: Review Questions

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DUE: 1-Mar-2000 Assignments sent after the due date will receive a grade of zero.

1. DNA is the organic molecule which contains in a code of four letters the blueprint for life.

a) What are those four letters and what do they represent?

b) Three of the letters as a group specify the 20 amino acids that are found in proteins. Why do you think that the group is comprised of 3 letters, rather than 2 or 4?

2. De Duve said that thioesters play a key role in cells today and probably did during the origin of life. What evidence did he use to support his opinion (his hypothesis)?

3. The transition from the initial prokaryotic life to eukaryotes paved the way for multicellular organisms.

a) What was the hypothesis for the origin of eukaryotes and archebacteria from prokaryote ancestors?

b) What was the hypothesis that explained why eukaryotes and not archebacteria led to multicellular organisms?

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