Movie Guides

Throughout the semester, you will view several movies that will each have an accompanying movie guide.  I expect you to listen and watch quietly as you take notes to answer the questions on the movie guides.  You will rewrite, type, and submit your movie guides online.  I will use the following rubric to assess your submission.

Movie Guide Rubric





Demonstrates content knowledge, understanding and application gained from readings, assignments, movies, and/or course work

Movie guide answers show very little evidence of understanding course content knowledge, or application of content within course framework.

Movie guide answers demonstrate understanding of course content knowledge and application of content within course content framework using prior knowledge and 1-2 examples from course content when applicable.

Movie guide answers include critical thinking and synthesis.

Movie guide answers demonstrate understanding of course content knowledge and application of course content within course framework using prior knowledge and >3 examples from course content and other resources when applicable.

Movie guide answers include critical thinking and synthesis.

Movie guide answers connect course concepts with other concepts in the subject matter area.

Spelling and mechanics

Movie guide answers are written using grammatically incorrect sentences and/or have greater than 2 spelling errors.

Movie guide answers have one or more grammatically incorrect sentences and/or two spelling errors.

Movie guide answers contain grammatically correct sentences without any spelling errors.

Completion of Movie guide answers and timeliness

The learner does not complete movie guide answers and/or does not submit Movie guide answers on time.


The learner completes movie guide answers and submits them on time.