CPS for Power Point (plug-in)

Similar to the traditional Classroom Performance System (CPS) program, CPS for Power Point allows you to set up and synchronize classes with online roster from eInstruction.com, deliver teacher and student-led assessments, and generate reports.  The difference between the traditional CPS and CPS for Power Point is that now you can create special CPS slides within your Power Point presentations. Using the CPS slides, you can engage students in a lesson while using your existing Power Point presentations.

For Windows Users Only

Download CPS for Power Point

Hardware set up

Create/Open your database

Import an online class roster

Inserting a clicker question slide in your Power Point

Engaging students in a clicker question

Engaging verbal clicker questions on the fly

Taking attendance using CPS for Power Point

Generating Reports

Download CPS for Power Point

  1. To download CPS for Power Point, follow this link found at www.einstruction.com.

User Area

  1. Choose CPS for Power Point from the drop down menu.
  2. Download Types

  3. Select OK.
  4. On the CPS for Power Point download screen, select the CPS for Power Point link.
  5. CPS for Powerpoint link

  6. Follow the instructions on the screen to download the program to your computer.

Hardware set up

  1. Plug your receiver into a USB connection.
  2. Turn on your computer.
  3. Go to the Start menu.
  4. Start Menu

  5. From the Start menu, open CPS for Power Point (sometimes this can take a long time).
  6. Once CPS for Power Point opens, choose Delivery Options.
  7. Delivery Options

  8. After the CPS - Delivery Options dialog box opens, select the Receiver tab.
  9. Receiver

  10. Choose the Detect CPS Receiver button.
  11. Wait until the system auto-detects your receiver, select OK.
  12. Receiver Setup Dialog Box

  13. To close the CPS Delivery Options dialog box, select OK again.
  14. Ask the students to turn on their clickers by pushing the Power/Join button on their clickers.

*Note: Most of the time, your computer will automatically detect your receiver and you will not have to perform the last four steps.

*Note: Sometimes a student's response pad does not want to join the network. In your class roster, check to make sure the student's registration information is correct (serial number). Then, try to import the class again. Otherwise, you just have to wait a few moments.

Create/Open your database

A CPS database stores class information including your lessons, team activities, reports, gradebook, roster, attendance, and any other information collected from the clickers.

  1. Select Open CPS Database.

  2. Open Database

  3. An Open CPS File drop down menu appears.
  4. Choose New Database or Open Database (if you already created a database).
  5. New Database

  6. The New CPS File window appears.
  7. Type Database Name

  8. Give your database a name in File Name box.
  9. Select Save and choose the location where you want to save your file.
  10. Select Open.
  11. Select Save.

*Note: If you are moving between computers, it is a good idea to save your database on your bonsai.ucc.nau.edu shared drive. Follow this link or call ITS at 523-1511 to learn how to set this up on your computer.

Import an online class roster

  1. From the Start menu, open CPS for Power Point.
  2. Follow the Hardware set up instructions.
  3. Select the Classes tab.

    Classes tab

  4. Select Import.
  5. Import button

  6. When the CPS New Class Wizard appears, choose CPSOnline.
  7. Select Next.
  8. Keep Higher Education as the default for the Institution Type.
  9. Higher Education

  10. Choose Next.
  11. If you have used CPSOnline before, choose Yes, and skip to step 11. If this is your first time using CPSOnline, choose No and continue to step 10.
  12. Enter your Instructor Setup Code. If you do not have one, please contact eInstruction at 888.333.4988 then select Next.
  13. Enter your CPS username and password, and select your institution from the pull-down menu.
  14. Username and Password text boxes

  15. Choose your class by selecting the check box.
  16. Select Online Class

  17. Choose Next.
  18. CPS will synchronize your class with CPSOnline and create your class roster (this may take a few moments).
  19. Choose Done.
  20. When you select your class on the left, your class roster will appear on the right.
  21. Class Roster

  • Close the Classes screen.
  • Inserting a clicker question slide in your Power Point

    1. From the Start menu, open CPS for Power Point.
    2. Open a Power Point presentation file you created in MS Power Point 2003. Be sure you are in CPS for Power Point and NOT MS Power Point.
    3. *Note: CPS for Power Point only works with Microsoft Power Point 2003.

      Open Powerpoint

    4. Locate where in your presentation you would like to insert a clicker question slide.
    5. Place the cursor in the new location.
    6. From the CPS toolbar, select the Insert Question button.
    7. Insert Question

    8. When the pull-down menu appears, choose the type of question you would like to create.
    9. Question Types

    10. Power Point inserts a CPS slide into your presentation.
    11. Enter Question and Answer Options

      *Note: Be sure to turn off all animations for this slide.

    12. Type in your question text in the [Enter question here] text field. The typed text does not have to be inside the brackets; however, it does have to be typed in the textbox.
    13. Type in your answer options: [Option 1], [Option 2], [Option 3].
    14. Select the correct answer by clicking on the red 'X' next to the correct answer.
    15. The red 'X' will turn into a green check mark.
    16. Select correct answer.

    17. Save your file.
    18. Save file.

    Engaging students in a clicker question

    1. From the Start menu, open CPS for Power Point.
    2. Open your Power Point presentation file.
    3. Deliver your presentation as you normally would.
    4. The Session Options dialog box appears.
    5. Session Options Dialog Box

    6. From the Session Dialog Box, you can

    7. Type in a session title.
    8. Select the Session Category from the drop-down list (i.e., Class Participation, Exam, Quiz).
    9. For the Session Category, you will need to type in the maximum number of points.
    10. Session Category

    11. Select the class from the drop-down list.
    12. Select class from dropdown list.

    13. If you plan to use the gradebook, select the Include Attendance in the Gradebook and Automatically Upload Attendance checkboxes.
    14. Type in the maximum points (MaxPoints) given for student attendance.
    15. After you select OK, the session begins.

      Session Options

    16. Proceed through your slides as you would in MS Power Point.
    17. Proceed through slides

    18. When you reach a clicker question slide, click the Engage button on the Engage toolbar (located at the bottom of the Power Point slideshow).
    19. Engage Button

    20. Start the question.
    21. Start Button

    22. The Feedback Grid appears.
    23. Feedback Grid

    24. Students send their responses by selecting the A or 1 button, and then the Send button.
    25. Give students time to respond.
    26. Select End to terminate the response cycle.
    27. End

    28. If you want to display the chart, select the Charting button Chart Button.
    29. Chart

    30. By selecting the Show Correct text box, the correct answer will display in green.
    31. Close the Charting display.
    32. To change delivery options, select the Delivery Options button Delivery Options Button.
    33. Delivery Options

    34. For this Teacher Managed presentation, select the options you want from the Delivery Options Dialog Box.
    35. To end the engagement session and move on to the next slide, you need to select Close Close in the Engage dialog box.

    Engaging verbal clicker questions on the fly

    1. From the Start Menu, open CPS for Power Point.
    2. In CPS for Power Point, open your Power Point presentation file.
    3. Deliver your presentation as you normally would.
    4. The CPS Engage toolbar automatically appears with your presentation.
    5. When you reach a clicker question slide or a break in your presentation where you would like to ask the students a question, click the Verbal button on the Engage toolbar Verbal Button.
    6. Select the Question type.
    7. Verbal Question Types

    8. The CPS Content Delivery window appears.
    9. Type your question and answer choices in the spaces provided or just ask your question verbally to the students.
    10. Be sure to Start the question.
    11. Start

    12. Students send their responses by selecting the A or 1 button, and then the Send button.
    13. Allow students to respond.
    14. Select End to terminate the response cycle.
    15. End

    16. If you want to display the chart, select the Charting button Chart Button.
    17. Verbal Question Chart

    18. By selecting the Show Correct text box, the correct answer will display in green.
    19. Close the Charting display.
    20. To change delivery options, select the Delivery Options button Delivery Options Button.
    21. Delivery Options

    22. For this Teacher Managed presentation, select the options you want from the Delivery Options Dialog Box.
    23. To end the engagement session and move on to the next slide, you need to select Close in the Engage dialog box Close.

    Taking attendance using CPS for Power Point

    1. From the Start menu, open CPS for Power Point.
    2. Follow the Hardware set up instructions.
    3. Select the Classes tab.
    4. Classes Tab

    5. Ask the students to turn on their clickers and join the session.
    6. Choose the Attendance button.
    7. Attendance Button

    8. The attendance grid appears.
    9. Attendance Grid

    10. If you plan to use the gradebook feature, select the Include Attendance in the Gradebook and Automatically Upload Attendance checkboxes.
    11. Choose Start.
    12. Students send their responses by selecting the A or 1 button, and then the Send button.
    13. Give students time to respond.
    14. Select End to terminate the response cycle.
    15. Each response submitted will be recorded in the attendance grid (color change) and uploaded to the gradebook.
    16. See Generating Reports to view the attendance results.

    Generating Reports

    You can generate different kinds of reports based on clicker performance data. The performance data is collected during CPS sessions and is based off students' responses to questions.

    1. Choose the Report button. The CPS Reports tab appears.
    2. Reports Button

    3. Select the session title.

      Session Title

    4. Choose the Generate button.
    5. Generate Button

    6. Select all the check boxes next to the student names you want included in the report.

      Select names

      *Note: Depending on your circumstances, you might consider unchecking the Filter out students who didn't respond default check box.

    7. Select the type of report you want to generate such as Instructor Summary, Item Analysis, Session Data Export.
    8. Choose report

    9. Choose the Preview button.
    10. To save your file to your computer, select the file format in Output menu bar.
    11. Output Toolbar

    12. The following file formats are available for output:
    13. *Note: Remember this cannot be directly imported into Blackboard Vista without reviewing the data closely (user names may be different).

    14. Save the file to your computer.