Russ Gilbert and Dr. Gene Balzer have been photographing the Ancestral Pueblo Sites (formerly known as the Anasazi Ruins) on the Colorado Plateau for 19 years. Providing a record of the architecture and landscapes of the early Pueblo Native Americans, their photographs capture the well-known National Parks and Monuments and remote locations in the Four Corners area, which includes southern Utah, southwest Colorado, northwest New Mexico and northeast Arizona.
Russ and Gene’s intent is to document each site using natural light to enhance the economy, beauty, and lasting presence of the Southwest’s native peoples. Their unique photographic styles compliment each other while lending different perspectives. Russ shoots with black and white film using 8X10, 7X17 and 12X20 inch view cameras; on occasion he uses a 4X5 view camera. Gene prefers to shoot color with a 4X5 inch view camera.They often venture out on week-long camping trips to remote sites that have limited public access, searching for the best compositions and patiently waiting hours for the ideal light. In recent years they documented the three main sites at Navajo National Monument in Arizona and captured images of winter at Mesa Verde National Park in |
Colorado, where snow and ice envelop the already-dramatic landscape. In 2006 they were selected to be the Centennial Photographers for Mesa Verde National Park.
Russ is a commercial photographer who also teaches and manages the studios and darkrooms at Northern Arizona University. Gene is senior professor of photography in the School of Communication at Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona.
Russ and Gene's complete portfolios are available at www.gilbertphotographic.com & www.photosouthwest.com respecitvly.