
DESCRIPTION: Achenes = 4-7mm, narrowly turbinate, 5-7mm long becoming tightly wedged in the narrow hypanthiums. Inside, a small dry, indehiscent fruit with single locale and a single seed. Each achene contains a single seed with a membranous coat, thin endosperm, and long cotyledons.

Shrub: Cliffrose is a many-branched shrub that grows up to 8 feet tall. In some excellent growing locations the shrubs can reach up to 20 feet high. In older shrubs, the bark splits into long, fine segments. Leaves are tiny, 1/8- to 5/8 inches long, and are mostly 5-lobed. The leaves are covered with tiny, glandular-dotted hairs that are sticky to the touch.

Range: Cliffrose shrubs are most often found between 3,500 and 8,000 feet in the Rocks, Southwest, and Great Basin regions and into Mexico. Cliffrose grows in pinyon-juniper woodlands and shrublands, often in dry rocky soils. Flowering Cliffrose blooms from midspring until summer, and then if summer rains are plentiful, the plants may bloom again in the late summer.

Native Uses: Many native cultures used Cliffrose for a variety of purposes. The Navajo used the shredded bark for padding cradleboards and forming "pillows" for their infants. "Female" prayer sticks are made from Cliffrose wood, while "male" prayer sticks are made from mountain mahogany shrubs. The thin, straight branches were used for making arrows, and a yellow brown or tan dye was made from the leaves and stems, when mixed with pounded juniper branches. The Hopi made a tea from the leaves and twigs to induce vomiting, and as a healing agent for sores and wounds. Early inhabitants of the Four Corners region also used the shredded bark of Cliffrose to make mats and clothing; when added to yucca fibers they made cordage.



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Purshia stansburiana
This page was authored by Laura Leff