The following information came by my desk. It is an optical scan of a number of documents relating to Trayned Bands and the Elizabethan Period. This information comes from:

Cruickshank, C.G.. ELIZABETH'S ARMY. Oxford University Press, 1966 (2nd ed.). pp. 290-303

No. 4. Indenture for Troops1

THIS Indenture Tripertite made the Fift day of August in the Three and Fortieth yere of the Raigne of our Souereigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god Queene of Englande Fraunce and IKlande I Exchequer Account, Q R, bundlc 65 no. 5 (2). 92 APPEND IXES defendour of the faythe etc. Betwene Sir Thomas Lucy knight high Sheriff of the Countye of Warwick Sir Thomas Leigh and Sir Edwarde Greuill knightes and Richard Darney Esquier Commis- sioners with others for musters in the saide countye of Warwick of thone partie And Tymothie Fieldinge gent. of thother partie. Wit- nesseth that the said Commissioners by vertue of letlers to them and others directed, Aswell from our said souereigne Ladye the Queenes Mai' as also from the Lordes of her highnes most honorable Privie Counsell have according to the tenor of the same leavyed and mustered out of the said out of the said [sic] Countye Fiftie able men to supplie her Ma"e forces in Irelande and also have leavied the some of Three pounds and ten shillinges for every man. Whose names and surnames with the places of their habitacions are in these present Indentures mencioned and expressed which men the said Commis- sioners delivered at Stratford uppon Avon in the said countye the day of the date hereof to the charge of the said Tymothie Fieldinge to conduct them to the Port of Bristoll. And there to deliver them over to such captaines as shall be sent thither by her Ma privie Counsell to receave them by Roll Indented subscribed by him the said conductor And wllich said money is levied and sent up to her Ma Exchequer according to the tenor of her Mae and their Lordships said letters.

Knighlowe hundred
Richard Burdett of Bulkenton, and 13 others. Barlichway hundred

Michael Piggot of Rolaington, and lo ohers. Hemlingeforde hundred

Richard Pope of Chastocke, and 13 others. Kynton hundred

William Poole of Tanworthe, and lo others.

In Witnes whereof to the first part these Indentures remayninge with the said Commissioners the said Tymothie I ieldinge hath putte his hande, and to the seconde part remayning with the said Tymothie the said Commissioners have put their handes, And to the third part to be sent to the Privie Counsell the said Commissioners have Iyke- wise putte their handes the day and yere above written. THO. LucY Elw. GREUILL

No. 5. Prayer for the roops

A PrAYER for the good successe of her Maiesties forces in Ireland. Almightie God and most mercifull Father, which by thine holy Worde declarest thy selfe to be the first ordeiner and continuall APPENDIXES 93 upholder of all Princely power and right, and by thy terrible iudge- ments against Core, Dathan, and Abiram, in opening the earth to swallow up them and theirs, And which like vengeance poured upon Absalom, Achitophel, Adoniah and Sheba, diddest manifest to the whole world, how much thou hatest all resistance and rebellion against thy Diuine ordinance: Vouchsafe (we humbly beseech thee) to strengthen and protect the Forces of thine anointed our Queen and souereigne, sent out to suppresse these wicked and unnaturall Rebels. Be thou to our Armies a Captaine, Leader, and Defender. Let thine holy Angel pitch their Tents round about to guard them, and give them victorie against all such as rise up to withstand them. Let not our sinnes (O Lord) be an hindrance to thine accustomed mercies towards us, neither punish our misdeeds by strengthening the hands of such as despise thy Trueth, and have wickedly cast off the rightfull yoke of their due allegiance: That so thy blessed Hand- mayde our dread Souereigne, may always reioyce in thy Salvation, And we her loyall subiects still haue cause to magnify thy glorious Name, and to offer to thee with ioy the sacrifices of praise and thankes-giuing in the middest of the great Congregation. Grant this (O most righteous Lord God of Hosts) we beseech thee throughJesus Christ our only Sauiour and Redeemer. Amen.

Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie. Anno Isgg

No. 6. Soldiers' Oath'

THE oathe to be ministered unto the souldiers upon their enteringe into Paye.

Wee doe sweare and promise to doe all loyall true and faythefull sarvice unto the Queene of Englande her most Excell. majesty: and unto the provinces and citties united in theis countries and their associates, under the charge and obedience of the Right exelent the Earle of Leicester Governor generall of the said provinces and citties and their associates, and of her majesties Army and forces within the same: And all lawfull and due obedience unto the Governor and to any other superior that shall have charge under him for the governement in this Army: And further we do endevore our selva to keep and fulfill all such lawfull ordinances as his Exelencie hath or shall set forth and establish for the better orderinge of this Army as much as concerns us, so long as we shall serve under him, so help us God by Jhesus Christe.

' Harl. MSS. 168. f. Ioob. Cf. S.P. Holland, Eli. 18, f. lo.

No. 7. An Admonition before lhe Musterl

SOULDIERS and brethren, as by longe experience we haue fonde the greuious inconueniences whiche are chansed by reason of the fraudes, and abuses in the musters, and that therel)y townes, and places of great importance al e loste, the meanes and reuenewes of the Countrije unprofitably spent, being the principall cause that the poore and vaillant soldiers, to the great greire of his Excellci' very ill payd whiche might be remidied, by remouing the saide abuses: I praye you and by vertue of the charge I haue, I doe ordeyne you generally and perticulerly uppon the othe, which you haue taken to his Excellcl', and the Countrie to declare freely if ther be among you any passevolant, borrowed soldiers, Burgers, victuallers, free- butters or others not beinge in standinge seruice under your Corn- panije, and that dothe not orderly keepe, watche, and warde and every waye goinge withe you to the warres, for suche be unworthie to be accounted amongst valiant soldiars and stand you in no steede, then to charge you with more trauayles watche ward and centinels, and for one howre and make you stande twoe Also doe cause you to loose your honor if necessitie cause you to meete the enemye, when as for the smal nomber whiche is in your Companie, you are forced to tourne your backes to the Enemye, or geue place, wheras if your companie weare stronge and compleat of good and valiant souldiars, you should be often able to beate and defeate them, to your great honor and aduancinge: and especially to the honor of God and prosperity of your countrie, so many yeares alreadie afflicted. Wherfore I pray you once againe to reveale them to the end dewe punishment may be done. I doe also commande all them that are not in standinge seruice bound to this company, that they depart this muster uppon payne that being knowne to be hanged as Villaynes without grace or fauour.

No. 8. Oath for Musers3

AN 0th before the muster particuler.

We sweare and promisse that all the persounes and names which we present in the rolle by us deliuered, be soldiars in standinge and actuall seruice of our companye, watching and wardinge euery one in his degree. And that they are bounde to followe the company S.P. Holland, Eliz. 18, ff. 44b. 'but', marginal note. S.P Holland, Eliz. 18, f. I44b. The oath wa taken by th captain, lieutenant, nd clerl of the company. Marginal note. APPENDIXES 895 every wheare, and there whether the same maye be sente. Also that we have not borrowed nor taken any soldiers in seruice, or ett them in the rolle but those whiche haue had absolute and dewe pasport of ther Captaines or otherwise haue bin free. And finallie that in no sorte, directly or indirectlie, we pretend by thi muster to defraude his Excel. the country, or any other body.

No. 9. Examples for Musters Certi.ficates'

PRECDENTS of Billetts for receaving and discharginge of souldiers to be delivered by the Commissioners of Musters resident, unto the Captaines.

To Captaine: A:B: on of the Captaines in her majeties paye now resident in the garrison of C:

Theis shall testifie that D.E. hath taken his oath and is this pre- sent xth day of August anno RR Elizab: xxixo admitted and entered into your bande, wittnes my hand.

These shall testifie that D.E. your souldier beinge orderlie dis- charged this xth of September accordinge entred in my Muster Bookes, witnes my hand.

Theis shall testifie that D.E. your souldier beinge dead or ronne away without licence the xth September as hath been orderlie approved, is accordinglie entered in my Muster Booke, witnes my hand.

Theis shall testifie that D.E. having pasporte beringe date the xth of September to returne before the xxth of October next en- suinge is accordinglie entered in my Muster Rolles witnes my hand.

Theis shall testifie that I have receaved from the commissarye resident of the garrison of Flushinge the Muster Rolle of Captain G. whose Bande is entered into this Garrison of H. this present 12th day of February, wi.nes my hand.

No. I o. Warrant for Paymcnt

SIR P. SYDNY, knight.

Theis are to require you to paie unto Sir Phillip Sidney knight captaine of a cornet of c. Iaunces for his owne enterteignment at viii- per diem, his Lieutenant at iiij per diem, his Guydon at ij- per diem, one Trumpet, one Clarcke and one Surgeon at xxd per diem le peece, fourscore ten launces, and ten dead paies at xviijd per diem ' Harl. MSS. 168, f. Iog. cr. s.P. Holland, Elu. 18, f. Io4b. ' Add. MSS. 5753, r. 177. 296 APPENDIXES le peece for iijcxxxiiij daies, beginning the xijth day of November, 1585, and ending the xjth day of October last past the some of two thowsande eight hundred twentie twoe pounds six shillings sterling. Provided allwaies that yow doe not only dcfaulk the some of Thir- teene shillinges and foure pens sterlinge checked within the said tyrne, but allso all former Imprests to him delivered and all victualls and munition, together with all other deductions defaulcable upon this Account by certificate from the ministers thereof approved by the captaines hand. And theis together with his Acquittance con- fessing the receipt of the same shalbe your sufficient warrant in that behalf. Geven at Gravenhage the viijth day of November Anno Reginae Elizabeth xxviijo

R. LEYCESTER. To Richard Huddilston esquier, her majesties Threasurer at Warres. Ex. Tho. Digges. jkmviijcxxijli sixe shillings.1 Ex p. Edmond Hunte.

No. II. Receipt for Payment2

RECEYVED by me Captayne Edwarde Cromwell at the hands of the ryght worshipfful Rycharde Hudleston esquyre treasurer at wares for her majesty in the Lowe Countryes the some of thirtye and eyght pownds ster. monye to be deffaulked owt of the first paye or impreste made to me and the companye under my leadynge wyttnes whereof I have suhscrybed this guyttance with my owne hand. Datted the daye of September anno dom. 1586. ED. CROMWELL.

No. 12. Leicester's Disciplinary Code3

LAWES and Ordinances set downe by Robert Earle of Leycester, the Queenes Maiesties Lieutenant and Captaine Generall of her Armie and Forces in the lowe Countries: meete and fitte to be obserued by all such as shall serue her Maiestie vnder him in the said Countries, and therefore to be published and notified to the whole Armie. Forasmuch as there is not any gouerened Estate, which in peace or warre can be accounted sure, or preserued from dishonour and ruine, unlesse it be supported and borne up by Justice duely ad- ministred, and discipline orderly obserued: And for that no man can 1 Marginal note. 2 Add. MSS. 5753, f. 252. 3 From the printed copy in the Bodleian Library. This code also appears in Add. MSS. 30170, f. 35, and 38139, f. 16b. APPENDIXES 297 be so ignorant as not to knowe that honor, fame and prosperitie, doe duely followe that common Wealth or Nation, wherein good lawes are established, the Magistrate ministring Justice is duely regarded, . and the people fearing to offend, are drawen under the rules of- Justice and obedience: And seeing that martiall discipline aboue all thinges (proper to men of warre) is by us at this time most to be followed, aswell for the aduancement of Gods glorie, as honourablie to gouerne this Armie in good order: And least that the euill inclined (pleading simplicitie) shoulde couer any wicked facte by ignorance: Therefore these martiall Ordinances and Lawes following are estab- lished and published whereby all good mindes endeuouring to attaine honour, may stand armed, and receiue encouragement to perseuere in well doing, and such as are inclined to lewdnesse, be warned from committing offences punishable. Which being embraced with care- full respect, and followed with obedience, doe promise good order and agreement amongst our selues, with victorie and good euents against our enemies.

I. First, euery chiefe Magistrate, Captaine, inferiour Officer, Souldiour, Pioner, or what person els receiuing her Maiesties paye in Fielde or Garison, shall solemnely sweare, and by corporall othe be bounde to perfourme the under written Articles, so farre as to eache in their seuerall qualities shall appertaine: the violating or breaking whereof, is to be punished by the Generalles direction, according to the quality of the offence.

2. Forsomuch as the holy Name of our most mightie and in- uincible GOD, with all reuerence ought to be regarded, and that destruction is pronounced to such as blaspheme or abuse the same: it is therefore ordeined and commanded that no person whatsoeuer, either in common conference or communication, or for any cause whatsoeuer, shall blaspheme being thus admonished, or take his Name in vaine, upon pain of losse of v. s. to the releife of the poore for the first offence: for the seconde, fiue dayes imprisonment: for the third losse of his place and wages.

3. And because the continuall and unspeakeable fauours of our Almightie God, by our unthankfulnesse may be taken from us, and that no good euent of any action can be expected, wherein God is not first principally honoured and serued: It is therefore especially ordeyned and commanded, that that all persons whatsoeuer, shall upon generall warning giuen either by sound of Trumpet or Drum, repaire to the place appointed, where the Diuine seruice is to be used, there to heare the same read and preached, unlesse for the present by sicknesse- or other seruice he be impeached upon paine to lose his dayes wages for the first, two dayes wages for the second, and so to be encreased by the discretion of the Judge, and for euery such 298 APPINDIXES default in thc Souldier, aswell the Captaine as his inferiour officers, to be punished with like penaltie.

4. And seeing it well beseemeth all Christians, especially such as professe the militarie seruice, to passe away the time in matters requisite for their profession: And because no time can bemore vainely spent, then that which is consumed in unlawfull games, besides the breeding of much contention, and quarrelles: And for that there be many allowable and commendable exercises for all sortes of men to use: Therefore it is streightly commanded, that no priuate Souldiour or inferiour Officer shall frequcnt the playing at Dice and Cardes, nor any other unlawfull games, upon pain of two dayes imprisonment for the first time, and for after committing the like, to be further punished by the Judges discretion.

5. And for that it often happeneth, that by permitting of many vagrant idle women in an armie, sundry disorders and horrible abuses are committed: Therefore it is ordeined that no man shall carrie into the fielde, or deteine with him in the place of his garrison, any woman whatsoeuer, other than such as be knowen to be his lawful wife, or such other women to tende the sicke and to serue for launders, as shall be thought meete by the Marshall, upon paine of whipping and banishment.

6. And insomuch as clemencie amongst men of warre in some respects is a singuler vertue: It is ordeined that no man in any part of this seruice that he shall doe, shal lay violent handes upon any woman with childe, or Iying in childebed, olde persons, widowes, yong virgins, or babes, without especial order from the Magistrate, upon pain of death.

7. What person soeuer that shall be commonly giuen to drunken- nesse or riotously behaue himselfe, shall be banished the Armie.

8. Whosoeuer shall conceale, or in any sort keepe secrete Treason, any dangerous Conspiracie, or other practice which may be hurtfull, and may concerne the perill of her Maiesties person, or of her General, or the estate of the Armie, and shall not with all diligence reueale the same either unto the Generall, or some other Officer of especiall trust, shall incurre the paines of death with torments.

9. No man shall haue speeche or conference, send message, deliuer or receiue letters to or from the enemie, or any of his con- federates, either secretly or openly, without manifesting the same presently unto the Generall or Marshall, or having former authoritie so to doe upon paine of death.

Io. No man being in this seruice shal depart ye Campe or place of Garrison for any cause whatsoeuer, without the Generals especial Pasport, or other head Officer authorized, upon pain of death.

11. No man shall breake out or leaue the order of his ranke, APPENDIXES 299 being once ordered in the fielde by the Marshall or Scrgeant Maior, without some great occasion first made knowen unto the saide Officer, upon paine of losse either of life or limme, at the discretion of the Generall or of the Marshall.

12. No man appointed to watch or warde, shall shun or depart the place, neither shall sleepe, or neglect his duetie therein especially after the watch is set and the woorde giuen, unless he is orderly relieued, or for some great occasion enforced, with licence of his Captaine or Officer, upon paine of death.

13. No man shal bewray the watchworde to the enemie or to any other, or giue any other woorde than is deliuered by the Officer, upon paine of death with torment.

14. No man shal raise any mutinie, or procure un3awfull assen blies upon priuate, secrete, or hidden purpose, whereby to disturbe the peace and quiet of the Armie, upon paine of death.

15. No man shall lirt up his weapon against the Magistrate his Captain or Officer, upon paine of death.

16. No man shall quarell, brawle, or make any affray within the Campe or Toune of garrison, upon olde malice, or newe occasion whatsoeuer, but shall complaine to the Officer, who is to decide the cause and punish the partie offending, upon paine of losse of life or limme, at the discretion of the Generall or Marshall.

17. And whereas sundrie nations are to serue with us in these warres, so as through diuersitie of languages occasion of many con- trouersies may arise or happen to growe: It is therefore ordeined, that if any person of English nation shall finde him selfe agriued with any wrong profered him by any foreiner, that then without profering further reuenge he shall signifie the same unto his Captaine or other officer, whereby ordcr may be taken so, as no further quarrell growe thereor, but that quietnesse in all respects may be preserued, upon pain of such punishment as the head officers shall thinke meete, either by losse of life or limme.

18. No man appointed to the defence of any Breach, Trench, or Streight, either Captaine or Souldiour, shall willingly leauc it, r upon any false or imagined cause or excuse, shall absent himselfe from the place, without sufficient warrant, upon paine of death.

Ig. No Captaine, officer, or other person, shall receiue or enter- taine any other mans Souldiour or seruant, without consent of his former Captaine or Master, neither shall entice another mans Souldiour from him, upon paine of losse of a Monethes wages, and to restore the partie to his former Captaine or Master.

20. No man shall enrolle his name under two Captaines, nor muster in seuerall companies at one time, or otherwise pass in another mans name, or lende Armour, weapon, or other furniture 300 APPENDIXES upon the muster day, whereby to abuse her Maiestie, and weaken the present seruice, upon paine of a moneths imprisonment, and bamshment.

2 1. No man shall embeill or diminish any of his Armour, weapon and furniture, which is appointed him by his Captaine, unlesse he can prooue that he lost the same in seruice: And that no man shall take in pawne any Souldiours weapon or furniture, upon paine to the Souldiour of loss of his place, and to the other that shall take it in pawne, the losse of the double value.

2Z. No man shall play away, engage, or lende away his furniture, but shall alwayes keepe his Armour and weapon cleane and seruice- able, upon paine of being discharged.

23. No man shall deceitfully take away his companions prouision, victuals, or furniture, upon paine of imprisonment.

24. No person traueyling, lodging, or abiding in any the Tounes or Countires of her Maiesties friendes or Allies, shall in any wise exact or take by force from the people either victuall or other goods whatsoeuer, without present payment, or other sufficient order to the iust satisfaction of the partie, upon paine of death.

25. No man shall forestall any victuals brought for the Campe or place of garrison, but suffer the same peacefully to come into the Market place, there to be rated and priced by the Marshall or his officer, before he buy the same, upon paine of death.

26. No man shall robbe or spoyle any Shop or Tent, or any victualler or Marchant comming for the relief of the Campe or garison, but in all good sort shall entertaine and defend them, upon paine of death.

27. No Souldiollr commanded at any time to take victuals for certaine dayes, shall exceede the same dayes, or spend the same otherwise then according to the proportion and time allowed him, upon paine of imprisonment or other such punishment as the lawfull officers shall appoint.

28. No man shall distress or spoyle any person standing on her Maiesties partie, or being under the Generals protection, upon paine of death.

29. No man shall disobey or transgresse any Proclamation made by Drumme or Trumpet, set foorth by the generall, upon such paine as he shall set foorth.

30. No man shall resist the Prouost or his other officer in appre- hending of any malefactour, but if need require, shall ayde and assist him therein, or otherwise if by such occasion any escape be made it is ordeined that euery person by whose defaulte the escape was com- rnitted, shall suffer like punishment that the parties so escaped shoulde have endured. APPENDIXES 301

31. No man shall molat or trouble any person beeing under hi owne regiment, or the leading of any other, once placed by the Marshall forrier, or Harbinger in the Campe or Toune, but quietly to permit and suffer euery one to enioye his seueral roume or lodging, unless it be by mutuall consent and agreement, neither shall any man lodge out of his Captaines quarter without licence, upon paine of imprisonment.

32. No man contrarie to order shal set on fire or burne any house, milne, or corne, nor at dislodging or remoouing shall set the Campe on fire, without speciall commaundement from the Generall or other head Officer present, upon paine of death.

33. No man without great occasion shall make Alarme, but if any chaunce to arise, then shall euery man presently repaire in all haste unto his appointed place, unless some true excusable cause do hinder him, upon paine of death.

34. No man shall harbour or receaue into his lodging any person being a stranger, or of our owne nation not being enrolled in her Maiesties paye, but shall presently acquaint the Generall or Marshall with his name, countrey, the timc of his coming, and business, upon paine of imprisonmcnt, and losse of his place and wages.

35. No man shall talke or haue conuersation with any Trumpeter or Drummer of the enemies, or other sent in message, but such as be appointed by the Generall, upon paine of death.

36. No man shall attende upon the cariages, but such as are appointed to that charge, neither linger, or loyter behind with them to ride or ease themselues, unlesse it be such as by sicknesse, hurtes, or other infirmities knowen to the officers, to be permitted so, upon paine of imprisonment and loss of wages.

37. No man shall attempt to goe a foraging, without the officcr appointed for that purpose deliuer them a sufficient guarde for their defence, upon paine of death.

38. No Captaine shall sende foorth any men to doe any enterprise, without knowledge of the Generall, or chiefe officer appointed hereunto, upon paine of losse of his place.

39. All priuate Captaines, being no head Officers, shall watch and warde with their Ensignes, unlesse it be by speciall leaue, upon paine of the losse of a months paye, and for the second time, loss of his place.

40. Euery Souldiour shall present such prisoners as are taken, to their Captaine immediately at their return to the Campe, and none shall either kill them, or licence them to depart, without com- maundemert or leaue from the Generall, or other head Officer thereunto appointed, upon paine of being disarmed, and banished the Campe.


41. Euery Souldier at all tima in seruice shalbe obedient and faithfull, aswell to their Captaines as other infcriour Oflicers, and not to refuse direction of any under whom they are appointed to serue, upon paine of imprisonment, and losse of a moneths wages.

42. Euery man shall support and defende his owne Ensigne both night and day, and shall resort unto the same upon the first warning, and not depart untill it be brought into safetie, upon paine of death.

43. Euery souldier shal diligently obserue and learne the sound of Drums, Fifes, and Trumpets, to the end he may know how to answcrc the same in his scruicc.

44. No man shall slaughtcr or kill any bcast of what naturc soeuer within the Campe or Garrison, but in such places as are appointed for that purpose, nor shall suffer the garbage to remain unburied, neither shall any man trouble or dcfile the watcrs adioyning, but in the lower part of the streame some good distance from the Camp, upon payne of imprisonment.

45. No man shall case himselfe or dcfilc thc Campc or Toune of Garrison, savc in such placcs as is appointcd for that purpose, upon paine of imprisonment, and such furthcr punishmcnt, as shall be thought mccte by the chiefe Officers.

46. No Captaine shall sell or raunsome his prisoner without license of the Generall, and shall not suffcr thcm to depart without making the high Marshall priuie to thc samc, upon paine Or lossc of his prisoner, and imprisonment.

47. If any man doe take a prisoner or hostic, hc shall Irnmcdiately aftcr hee is rcturncd unto the Campc or Tounc of Garrison, make his Captaine or Governour acquaintcd thcrewith, and the Captainc shall declare the same unto the Marshall, who euery eight dayes shall make certificate thercof unto the Generall, upon paine of imprisonment, and further punishment as thc Gcnerall shall set doune.

48. In Marching by the fieldes, no man at the putting up of any Hare, or other bcast shal make any shout or crie, whercby to disquict or stay the rest of thc bands, but to usc all quictncssc and silencc in their march, upon painc of imprisonment.

49. No man shall giue up or deliuer unto the enemies any place left to his charge or kecping, upon painc of dcath.

so. If any man flie to thc cncmics, or bc takcn upon his dcparturc towards them, hc shall suffcr death.

51. Any Captaine finding any Souldiour of what band or company so euer, which hath transgressed any of these Lawes and Ordinances, may take him and bring him unto thc Marsllall to bc punished.

52. That who soeucr shall be cnrollcd into payc aftcr the othe be ministred to others and he not prescnt, and if afterwards he shall APPENDIXES 309 transgressf any of these Ordinances, he shall be at well punishable by vertue of these Articles, as if he had bene prcsent at the first.

53. That no Captaine shall receiue or enroll any person into his paye under him, but that he cause the saydc Souldier to receiue the othe, as is set doune in the first Article, upon paine to the Captaine for not obscruing the same, of losse of a months paye.

54. That no person whatsoeuer shal passe by any other way either in Toune or Campe, but at the ordinarie gates and paaga, upon paine of death.

55. All other offences and Actes that may tendc to disorder not compriscd within thcse articlcs, shalbe subicct to such manner of punishment, as the Lieutenant Generall shall inflict upon them, as if it had been specially exprcsscd and set doune.