
Many of the following books I have copies of (marked by an * after the author's name). This is not a full bibliography of what is available. Mostly it is a list (not complete) of what I have read.

Agrippa *
     Trattato do scientia d'arme, con un dialogo di filosofia, di
     Camillo Agrippa, Milanese.  1553.

Arnold, Janet *
     Patterns of Fashion.  MacMillan London Ltd, 1985.

Billacois, Francois (Edited and Translated by Trista Selous) *
     The Duel: Its Rise and Fall in Early Modern France.  Yale
     University Press, 1990.
Bryson, Frederick R.
      The Sixteenth-Century Italian Duel: A Study in Renaissance 
      Social history.  Univ of Chicago Press, 1938

Castle, Egerton *
     Schools and Masters of Fence.  George Bull & Sons,

De Caranza, Jeronimo *
     De la filosofia de las armas, de su destreza y de la
     agresion y defension Christiana.  Lucifero Fano, 1569.

Di Grassi *
     Giacomo Di Grassi, his true arte of defense...  1594.

Ferro *
     Gran Similacro dell'arte e dell uso Scherma di Ridolfo Capo
     Ferro du Cagli, Maestro dell ecclesa natione Alemanna, nell
     enclita citta si Siena.  1610.

Fabris *
     Della vera practica e scientia d'armi.  1624.

Lovino, G.A. *
     Traite d'Escrime, 1580

Manciolino, Di Antonio
     Bolognese, opera nova dove sono tutti li documti e vantaggi
     che si ponno havere ne mestier de l'armi d'agni sorte,
     novemente correcta et stampata.  1531.

Marozzo *
     Opera nova di achille Marozzo, Bolognese, Maestro Generale
     de l'arte de l'armi.  1536.

Saviolo, Vincento *
     His practise, in two books; the first intreating the use of
     the rapier and dagger, the second of honour and honourable
     quarrels.  1595.

Silver, George *
     Paradoxes of Defense.  1599.

Turner, Craig and Spoer, Tony *
     Methods and Practice of Elizabethan Swordplay.  1990

Winter, Janet & Savoy, Carolyn *
     Elizabethan Costuming for the years 1550-1580.  Other Times
     Publications, 1979.