
Gerry Giauque, PhD, formerly of Northern Arizona University translated the first few pages of Didier before his departure from the University for the author. This is a rough translation. Two archaic words were found in the text that have no current translations. It is surmised that desmarches may be translated as round, act or stage and degainments as thrusts or thrusts.

Hereafter there are four soles set and placed below the feet of the Lieutenant and Provost, of which one is numbered 1, & another 2, & another 3, & another 4, which serve the Lieutenant and Provost, and all others, showing how one should correctly and accurately do all desmarches, degainments, hilts, and positions of arms using such a square.

And to do this it is necessary that this first Lieutenant have his feet joined, thus placed, having the left foot in a sole, where there is numbered nearby a number 1, & having the right foot in the other sole, where there is numbered nearby a number 2, having the right hand on the hilt of his sword, & the left hand on the scabbard of the sword, demonstrating in this way that he means to show to the Provost how he is to act hereafter: as is shown above in the portrait of said Lieutenant numbered by the 1 behind the hat.

And to do this it is needed that the said Prevost have his feet joined, having the left foot in a sole, where is numbered below the same the figure 1, & the right foot in another solewhere is numbered above the figure 2, having the right hand on the hilt of the sowrd, & the left hand on the scabbard of the same, showing that he is ready to do, what is necessary in this first desmarches as has shown him the said Lieutenant, what is the first, second, & third degainments, as is numbered by the figure 2 above his portrait and figure.

And to do the said first degainment for this Lieutenant, he must have his feet joined, as is shown above in his first portrait, numbered by the figure 1, & being so, it is necessary mthat he draw the right foot backward onto the sole where is numbered below the same the figure 3, which is for the first desmarches. And at the same time, taking the sword in hand, for the said first degainment holding the hilt of the sowrd as high as the right shoulder, positionaing the point of the sword against the left breast, where is the 1, holding the left hand in front of the face, as is shown, above in the drawing of the said Lieutenant, numbered by the figure 3 behind the neck.

For the second degainment for the said Lieutenant, he must be placed feet together, as is shown above, in the first portrait, numbered by the figure 1. And to execute this said second degainment he must have the right foot a small quarter in the air, removing it from the sole where is numbered 2, holding the hilt of the sword, degainment it as high as the shoulder: & the position of the same as above, where is the 1. And in an instant pass the sword above his head, extending firmly the arm, passing the said hilt of the sowrd as high as the right shoulder, positioning the point of the sword toward the left breast of the Prevost, as is numbered 3, by his said portrait.

And to do this it is necessary that the said Prevost remember as he be placed above to his said first plan numbered by the figure 2, which is feet joined, & being there, it is necessary that the said Prevost, to do this said first degainment that draw the right from which he has on the sole numbered 2, behind onto the sole where is numbered the figure 3, which is also for the first desmarches, & at the same time put the sword in hand, holding the hilt of the as being on this high hilt, toward the left eye, holding the left hand against his left breast to turn away the point of the sword of the said Lieutenant, if by fortune he will ??? him more, as is shown above in the portrait numbered by figure 4.

And to execute well the second degainment, it is necessary that the said Prevost be feet joined, as is shown in his said portrait, numbered by the figure 2, & being thus, the said Prevost must draw the right foot from the sole where he be, which is numbered by the figure 2, placing it a bit ???, making the said second ???, which is that he must hold the hilt of the sword at mid-height, & the point toward the left breast. And to begin the third ???, he must pass the sword above his head, extending firmly the arm which holds the same, & hold the hilt of the sword as high, & a bit more than the said right shoulder, positioning the same time the point of the sword toward the right eye of the said Lieuteant, & the left being held against his left breast, as is said above in the first ???, & as is shown in his said portrait numbered by the figure 4 behind his back.

After having shown the above, being on the said first plan, to do the first & second ??? for the Lieutenant mand the Prevost, remains to be shown the third ???, of which hereafter will be shown the defence & care to execute & accomplish the latter.

This third ??? for the Lieutenant, he having feet together, as is shown above, & in showing in the said general plan, having the left foot on the sole where it is numbered below in the figure 1, & the right foot on the sole where is numbered 2, & to begin well this said third ???, it is necessary that the said Lieutenant remove the right foot from the said sole, where is numbered 2, & hold it in the air, perfoprming the first ???, as in its place above, where is the one, & holding the foot still in the air, turning the hilt of the sword, the top of the hand down, & nails up, positioning the point of the sword straight to the stomach, having the left hand behind, as is shown above in his portrait numbered by the figure 5 behind the hat.