NAU Biology BIO 190 NAU
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BIO190: The Class: Aquatic Mandibulates: Assignment 20-1

Study Questions

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Please answer the following questions using the forms provided.

1. Why is biramous considered a primitive characteristic? Support your response. In addition, why is having large numbers of somites considered primitive? 2 points.

2. There are several subclasses of Maxillopoda that contain only a few species. Why have zoologists allowed the proliferation of subclasses? There are several possible answers as to why more species have not been identified. Being such a resourceful student, state two of the reasons. "State" means to write a sentence, not just list. 2 points.

3. Class Malocostraca: What are other common names for Armadillidium, besides pillbug? Find at least two more. 1 point.

4. Class Malocostraca: The Order Euphausiacea is extremely important to baleen whales. Explain how watching TV could indirectly lead to a loss of baleen whales. 1 point.

5. Class Malocostraca: What language was the word "krill" derived from? What does the word mean in that language? 1 point.

6. Order Decapoda: Find information about the economic conditions of the Alaskan King Crab industry. In your own words write a one paragraph summary. Be sure to explain some of the life history of the King Crab, and describe how this has led to the economic conditions now being experienced. 1 point.

7. Subclass Cirripedia: These are the barnacles. Barnacles are monoecious. How do they reproduce? Why was C. Darwin interested in barnacles. 1 point.

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Once you have filled in all of the areas above, click the Send the assignment button below to send the assignment to the instructor.


E-mail Sylvester Allred at


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