NAU Biology BIO 190 NAU
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BIO190 : The Class : Cells : Assignment2-1

Assignment 1: Study Questions

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  1. Study the assignment carefully
  2. Enter your response(s) in the space(s) provided
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1. What are the components of cell theory? 3 points.

2. What part of the human body is named after Purkinje? 1 point.

3. What cells in the human body use phagocytosis to help ward off infections? 1 point.

4. Research is currently being conducted to stimulate human nerve regeneration. Of course, this would be a great medical breakthrough. However, researchers face many problems in the area of nerve regeneration. Why? What advantage can you see to have nerve tissue stop dividing early in an embryo's life? 2 points.

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E-mail Sylvester Allred at


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