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BIO190: The Class: Mesozoa and Parazoa: Lesson 13

The Mesozoa and Parazoa

Origin of Metazoa

Unraveling the origins of the multicellular animals has presented problems for zoologist. There are three prevalent hypotheses in current use:

    1. Syncytial ciliate hypothesis
    2. Colonial flagellate hypothesis
    3. Polyphyletic origin

Phylum Mesozoa (p. 241)

Van Beneden who believed that the group was a missing link between protozoa and metazoa coined the name Mesozoa.

Phylum Placozoa (p. 242)

The plylum Placoza was proposed in 1971 by K. G. Grell to contain a single species, Trichoplax adhaerens.

Phylum Porifera=Sponges (p. 242-251)

Visit this web site to learn more about sponges:

The following is a list of sponge characteristics.

Types of Sponge Cells

body covering /lining

choanocytes (collar cells)
water currents
trapping food
reproduction (sperm)

secrete spicules

Skeletal Components
calcium carbonate
silicon dioxide

Sponge Physiology
no tissues/no organs
nervous system essentially absent
sessile as adults


1. asexual
budding (external)
germules (internal)
(freshwater sponges)

2. sexual
produce ciliated larva

Form and Function

The following is a list the unique functions of the Mesozoa and Parazoa.

Pores, the only body opening for these animals

    1. Ostia (in)
    2. Oscula (out)

Canal types (from simplest to complex) (fig. 13-5)

    1. asconoid
    2. syconoid
    3. leuconoid

Sponge physiology, all the life activities of the sponge depend on the current of water flowing through the body.

      1. dependent on water/currents
      2. feeding/diet
      3. digestion
      4. diffusion
      5. no respiratory or excretory structures
      6. somatic embryogenesis
      7. regeneration

Browse this website:
More on Porifera Morphology


For more on taxonomy browse this website:

    1. Class Calercera, sponges composed of calcium carbonate spicules
    2. Class Hexactinellida, sponges composed of silicon dioxide spicules
    3. Class Demospongiae
    4. spicules if present.

      (silicon dioxide)

      freshwater sponges

      bath sponges

      95% of all sponges are members

    5. Class Sclerospoongiae

few species known

calcareous skeletons (=coralline sponges)

cryptic habitats

Phylogeny/Adaptive Radiation (pg. 250)

The sponges originated before the Cambrian period.

Once you have completed the lesson, you should go to Assignment 13-1.

E-mail Sylvester Allred at


Copyright 1997 Northern Arizona University