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BIO190: The Class: Reproduction: Lesson 6

The Reproductive Process

Processes of Reproduction-6

Modes of Reproduction

Asexual (no gametes)

    1. produces clones
    2. types
    1. binary fission (fig. 6-1A)
    2. Cell Division: Binary Fission and Mitosis

    3. multiple fission
    4. budding (fig. 6-1B)
    5. gemmulation
    6. fragmentation


(with gametes: fig 6-2)

    1. separate gonads
    1. ovaries
    2. testes

One pair of gonads in different sexes= dioecious

Both gonads in same individual= monoecious

Gametes produced by meiosis

If female-oogenesis (fig. 6-11)

(haploid ova)

    1. oogonia
    2. primary oocyte
    3. secondary oocyte
    4. polar bodies
    5. ovum

If male= spermatogenesis (fig. 6-9)

(haploid sperm)

    1. spermatogonia
    2. primary spermatocyte
    3. spermatids
    4. sperm

(fig. 6-10)


Haploid ovum + haploid sperm= diploid individual

Other modes of sexual reproduction

(besides bisexual reproduction)


    1. ameiotic
    2. meiotic


    1. cross fertilization
    2. self fertilization

Types of cells in Vertebrates

Somatic cells (body parts)


Germ cells (reproductive)

(haploid at maturity)

    1. formation of gametes

(meiosis=nuclear division of sex cells; (fig 6-7)

*note that there is meoisis I & II

    1. crossing over


Maternal support of embryo




Plans of reproductive systems

Primary organs

    1. gonads
    1. produce gametes
    2. produce sex hormones

Secondary organs

Example of invertebrate reproductive system (fig. 6-12)

Example of vertebrate (human) reproductive system

Human female reproductive system (fig. 6-14)

    1. uterus
    1. cervix
    2. endometrium
    3. placenta
    1. oviduct
    2. ovaries (2)
    1. ovum
    2. follicles
    3. estrogen (fig. 6-15)
    4. progesterone (fig. 6-15)
    1. vagina
    2. other hormones (brain; fig. 6-16)

pituitary gonadotropins

      1. FSH
      2. LH

Menstrual cycle (fig. 6-16)


Corpus luteum

Hormones in human pregnancy (fig. 6-17)

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)



Human placental lactogen


Multiple Births (fig. 6-20)

Human male reproductive system (fig. 6-13)

    1. testes (2)
    1. scrotum
    2. seminiferous tubules
    3. (sperm)

    4. inerstital cells


    1. vas deferens
    2. epididymis
    3. seminal vesicless
    4. bulbourethral glands
    5. (Cowper glands)

    6. prostate gland
    7. penis

Once you have completed the lesson, you should go to Assignment 6-1.

E-mail Sylvester Allred at


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