Biology BIO 190 NAU
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BIO190: The Class: Reptiles: Assignment 29-1

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1. Study Figure 29-1. Determine which group of reptiles flourished the earliest. Which group of reptiles has the most extant species? 1 point.

2. Dinosaurs are a popular topic. Find out how they got their name. Explain three of the hypotheses about dinosaur extinctions. 2 points.

3. What is the recommended treatment for a snake bite? 1 point.

4. What is your hypothesis concerning the slow rate of evolution in tuataras? Where do individuals of this species live? 1 point.

5. The alligator was once abundant in the Southeastern United States, then faced extinction. Now the population numbers are increasing. How are alligators being managed? 1 point.

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E-mail Sylvester Allred at


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