Biology BIO 190 NAU
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BIO190: The Class: Segmented Worms: Assignment 18-1

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1. Segmented worms are eucoelomates. Why did the earliest eucoelomates have difficulty in locomotion? How did the segmented worms solve this problem? How did metamerism lead to a more advanced nervous system? 1 point.

2. What reason could you suggest for leeches not having a hydrostastic skeleton? 1 point.

3. Class Oligochaeta: What is the function of the typhlosole? What tissue in humans might be considered synonymous with the typhlosole at least in functioning? Why is chloragogen tissue similar to liver tissue? 2 points.

4. Class Hirudinea: Why has modern medicine returned to using leeches for certain medical procedures? What specific function do leeches serve when used in those medical procedures? Why were doctors referred to as leeches hundreds of years ago? 2 points.

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