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  SPH405 : The Class : Afferent Systems : Auditory System : Online Lesson 1
Neurological Foundations of Speech, Language and Hearing

  Online Lesson
Web Activity: Review of Auditory Anatomy and Acoustic Transduction

In the online lessons, we will look at the neurological aspect of the auditory system. This web activity will give you the opportunity to refresh your knowledge of auditory anatomy and the basics of acoustic transduction.

Open the link below and click through the first 10 slides of the Auditory Anatomy tutorial. This will refresh your memory about the mechanics of acoustic transduction and prepare you to explore the mechanisms in the brain that interpret these acoustic impulses.

Anatomy Tutorial (Click through Slides 1-10. Be sure to read the descriptions on the right side of the slides.

Also open the link below for an refresher on hearing and ear anatomy in general

The Ear

Once you have finished you should:

Go on to Online Lesson 1
Go back to Auditory System



E-mail Bill Culbertson at
Call Bill Culbertson at (520) 523-7440


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