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  SPH405 : The Class : Application : Introduction : Register in VCC
Neurological Foundations of Speech, Language and Hearing

  Register in the Virtual Conference Center

To complete this assignment successfully, you should:

  1. Study the assignment carefully
  2. Complete the assignment as directed

We will use the Virtual Conference Center (VCC) to discuss topics introduced in this course. In this assignment, you will register in the VCC, then go into theSPH 405 Conference and introduce yourself to your classmates.

Click on the word "Communicate" from the bar on the left side of this page. On the Communicate page you will find an introduction to the Northern Arizona University Online Virtual Conference Center. Print the instructions on how to register for the Virtual Conference Center. Then, use the button below to go into the Virtual Conference Center and register.

Once you have completed this assignment you should:

Go on to Web Activity 1: Search the Web
Go back to Introduction



E-mail Bill Culbertson at
Call Bill Culbertson at (520) 523-7440


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