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  SPH405 : The Class : Gross Anatomy : General Org : Self-Test
Neurological Foundations of Speech, Language and Hearing

  A Review of Nervous System Basics

To complete this assignment successfully, you should:

  1. Study the assignment carefully
  2. Respond to each question in the space provided
  3. Fill in your Name and Email address
  4. Send the Assignment

This is a self test on the concept covered in this topic. Please print this page, then answer the following questions. Feel free to go back to the online lesson or your text reading to find the answers.

1. List the two main divisions of the human nervous system.

2. Describe the functional differences between the two main divisions of the Human Nervous system.

For the following nervous system structures, fill in the blank with the appropriate nervous system division.

3. spinal cord


4. sympathetic division


5. temporal lobe


6. cerebellum


7. telencephalon


Choose each of the following either "Afferent" or "Efferent." Which ones require both Afferent and Efferent neural function?

8. Walking across the room

A Afferent
B Efferent
C Both

9. Maintaing your balance

A Afferent
B Efferent
C Both

10. Hearing

A Afferent
B Efferent
C Both

11. Seeing

A Afferent
B Efferent
C Both

12. Sensing where your fingers are

A Afferent
B Efferent
C Both

13. Smelling

A Afferent
B Efferent
C Both

14. Taking a deep breath

A Afferent
B Efferent
C Both

15. Writing your signature

A Afferent
B Efferent
C Both

16. Describing a sunset

A Afferent
B Efferent
C Both

For grading purposes, please provide the following information:

Your Name:
Your Email address:

Once you have filled in the areas above, click the Send button below to send your response to the instructor.




E-mail Bill Culbertson at
Call Bill Culbertson at (520) 523-7440


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