In addition to using amino acid racemization for geochronology, a primary goal of the Amino Acid Geochronology Laboratory is to use racemization to estimate the magnitude of late Quaternary paleotemperature changes. Unlike many other proxy climate recorders, temperature-dependent chemical reactions that take place in fossils are independent of paleoprecipitation changes, and therefore allow paleotemperatures to be calculated uniquely.
First, I developed equations that described the temperature sensitivity of the rate of amino acid racemization (Kaufman, 2000). I performed an extensive suite of heating experiments to evaluate the rate of the reaction over a range of temperatures (80 to 140°C) and D/L ratios (~0.1 to 0.6 in aspartic acid) in the common ostracode genus, Candona (Fig. 3). For each series of D/L ratios under isothermal conditions, I modeled the forward rate constant for the racemization using an empirical power-law model that approaches an asymptote of1.0. In addition to data from the heating experiments, the evaluation of racemization kinetics was extended to ambient temperatures using unheated, fossil ostracode shells from 14C-dated Holocene samples. Rate constants for both the heated and fossil samples were combined to calculate the Arrhenius parameters (activation energy and frequency factor) for racemization of two amino acids (aspartic acid and glutamic acid) (Fig. 4). This resulted in an uncalibrated age equation that relates sample D/L to the average postdepositional temperature and the sample age.

Then, I applied this equation to independently dated ostracodes from the Bonneville basin, Utah (Kaufman, 2003). Paleotemperatures for five intervals of the Quaternary were estimated by applying these equations to the results of amino acid analysis of more than 1000 ostracode samples from the Bonneville basin whose ages were based on other geochronological techniques (Fig. 5). Errors associated with the paleotemperature calculations were derived using a Monte Carlo procedure that propagated the integrated effect of all independent and dependent variables. Among the implications of this study, the results showed that the reduced evaporation rates associated with the low paleotemperatures (e.g., 10 ± 3°C lower than present for the last glacial maximum) might alone account for the growth of Lake Bonneville, without an increase in precipitation.
Kaufman, D.S., 2000, Amino acid racemization in ostracodes, in Goodfriend, G., Collins, M., Fogel, M., Macko, S., and Wehmiller, J., eds., Perspectives in Amino Acid and Protein Geochemistry: Oxford University Press, New York, 145-160
Kaufman, D.S., 2003, Amino acid paleothermometry of Quaternary ostracodes from the Bonneville Basin, Utah: Quaternary Science Reviews 22, 899-914.