Little Ice Age moraine at divide
 Emerald Lake landing
 Emerald Lake
 Subbottom stratigraphy, Emerald Lake
 Coring platform, Emerald Lake
 Emerald Lake
 Brandon & Jon w core
 Taylor w surface corer
 Finely laminted mud, Emerald Lake
 Students w surface cores
 Taylor & Brandon w surface core
 Bushwacking to divide
 Students in clearing
 Little Ice Age moraine at divide
 Grewingk vista
 Grewingk Glacier pan
 Soil test pit, grassy moraine
 Taylor on Little Ice age moraine
 Ed & Brandon review subbottom data
 Bluff Point landslide with Pond
 Transporting gear to Bluff Point
 Fourwheelers on beach
 Taylor towing trailer w gear
 Brandon hauling platform frame
 Bluff Point Pond
 Brandon & Jon w core