


Selected Publications


Paul Dijkstra, Scott Thomas, Paul L. Heinrich, George W. Koch, Egbert Schwartz, Bruce A. Hungate. 2011. Effect of temperature on metabolic activity of intact microbial communities: evidence for altered metabolic pathway activity but not for increased maintenance respiration and reduced carbon use efficiency Soil Biology & Biochemistry, in press.


Dijkstra­, P, J.  Dalder, P. C. Selmants, S. C. Hart, G. W. Koch, E. Schwartz, B.A. Hungate. 2011. Modeling soil metabolic processes using isotopologue pairs of position-specific 13C-labeled glucose and pyruvate. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, in press


Blazewicz, S. and E. Schwartz 2011. Dynamics of 18O incorporation from H218O into soil microbial DNA.  Microbial Ecology, in press.


Adair, K and E. Schwartz 2011. Stable isotope probing with 18O-water to investigate growth and mortality of ammonia oxidizing bacteria and archaea in soil.  Methods in enzymology, Vol. 486, Burlington: Academic Press, pp. 155-169.


Dijkstra, P, J. C. Blankinship, P. C. Selmants, S. C. Hart, G. W. Koch, E. Schwartz and B. A. Hungate. 2011 Probing metabolic organization of soil microbial communities using parallel position-specific tracer labeling. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. (43) 126-132.


Schwartz, E. 2010. Stable Isotope Probing Techniques using H218O. in Stable Isotope Probing and Related Techniques. Edited by J.C. Murrell and A.S. Whiteley. ASM Press.



Schwartz, E. 2009. Analyzing Microorganisms in Environmental Samples Using Stable Isotope Probing with H218O. Cold Spring Harbor  Protocol 5341; doi:10.1101/pdb.prot5341.

Heckman, K.A., A. Welty-Bernard, C. Rasmussen and E. Schwartz. 2009. Geologic controls of soil carbon cycling and microbial dynamics in temperate conifer forests. Chemical Ecology, 267:12-23.


Coyle, J.S., P. Dijkstra, R.R. Doucett, E. Schwartz, S.C. Hart and B. A. Hungate. 2009. Relationships between C and N availability, substrate age, and natural abundance 13C and 15N signatures of soil microbial biomass in a semiarid climate. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41:1605-1611.


White, D.A., C. Rasmussen, A. Welty-Bernard, and E. Schwartz. 2009. Vegetation controls on soil organic carbon dynamics in an arid, hyperthermic ecosystem. Geoderma, 150:214-223.


Adair, K. and E. Schwartz. 2008. Evidence that ammonia-oxidizing archaea are more abundant than ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in soils along an elevation gradient in northern Arizona, USA. Microbial Ecology, 56:420-426.


Collins, J., Dijkstra P, Hart, SC, Hungate, B, Flood, N and Schwartz, E. 2008. Nitrogen source influences natural abundance 15N of E. coli. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 282:246-250. Full Text


Dijkstra, P, Coyle, JS, Doucett, RR, Schwartz, E, Hart, SC, and Hungate, BA. 2008. 15N enrichment as an integrator of the effects of C and N on microbial metabolism and ecosystem function. Ecology Letters, 11: 389–397.


Schwartz, E., S. Blazewicz, R. Doucett, B. A. Hungate, S. C. Hart, and P. Dijkstra. 2007.  Natural Abundance δ15N and δ13C of DNA Extracted from Soil.  Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 39:3101-3107. Full Text


Schwartz, E., K. Adair, and E.A.G. Schuur. 2007. Bacterial Community Structure Correlates with Decomposition Parameters Along an Hawaiian Precipitation Gradient. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 39:2164–2167. Full Text


Schwartz, E. Characterization of growing microorganisms in soil through stable isotope probing with H218O. 2007. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 73: 2541-2546.
Full Text


Dijkstra P., O.V. Menyailo, E. Schwartz, S. C. Hart, and B. A. Hungate. 2006. 13C and 15N natural abundance of the soil microbial biomass. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 38: 3257-3266. Full Text


Herman, D.H., K.K. Johnson, C.H. Jaeger, E. Schwartz, and M.K. Firestone, 2006 Nitrogen processing and microbial communities in rhizosphere soil of Avena barbata. Soil Science Society if America Journal, 70: 1504-1511. Full Text


Dijkstra P., O.V. Menyailo, R.R. Doucett, S.C. Hart, E. Schwartz, and B.A. Hungate. 2006. Natural abundance 15N signatures of the soil microbial biomass along a dung gradient European Journal of Soil Science, 57:468-475. Full Text


Watanabe, N., E. Schwartz, K.M. Scow, and T.M. Young. 2005. Relating Desorption and Biodegradation of Phenanthrene to SOM structure characterized by Quantitative Pyrolisis GC-MS. Environmental Science and Technology, 39, 6170-6181. Full Text


Tokunaga, T.K., J. Wan, T. C. Hazen, E. Schwartz, M. K. Firestone, S. R. Sutton, M. Newville, K. R. Olson, A. Lanzirotti, and W. Rao. 2003. Distribution of Chromium Contamination and Microbial Activity in Soil Aggregates. Journal of Environmental Quality 32: 541-549.
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Schwartz, E., S.V. Trinh, and K.M. Scow. 2002. Effect of methylene chloride dosage on microbial community composition and phenanthrene degradation kinetics in soil. Journal of Environmental Quality, 31:144-149. Full Text


Schwartz, E. and K.M. Scow. 2001. Repeated inoculation as a remediation strategy of low concentrations of phenanthrene in soil. Biodegradation, 12 (3): 201-207. Full Text


Tokunaga, T.K., J. Wan, M.K. Firestone, T.C. Hazen, E. Schwartz, S.R. Sutton and M. Newville. 2001. Chromium diffusion and reduction in soil aggregates. Environmental Science and Technology. 35(15): 3169-3174. Full Text


Schwartz, E., S.V. Trinh, and K.M. Scow, 2000. Measuring Growth of a Phenanthrene Degrading Bacterial Inoculum in Soil With a Quantitative Competitive Polymerase Chain Reaction Method.  FEMS Microbial Ecology 34:1-7. Full Text


Schwartz, E., and K.M. Scow. 1999. Using biodegradation kinetics to measure the availability of aged phenanthrene to bacteria inoculated into soil.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, vol18, No. 8:1742-1746.