NAU Biology BIO 326
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BIO326 : Ecosystem : Nutrients : Acid Rain

Web Activity: Acid Rain

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DUE: 28-Apr-2000. Work sent after this date will receive a grade of zero.
Acid rain is a part of one or more element cycles in which substances move from one location to another. It is the quality and amount of the elements that cause an impact on the ecosystem.

1. What is the pH of non-polluted rainfall? Why do you think this pH value would be picked as a baseline for acid rain? What distinguishes acid rain from non-polluted rainfall?

2. Some areas of North America seem more susceptible to acid rain effects than other areas. Which areas seem more sensitive? What seems to be the basis (bases) for this hightened sensitivity?

3. Acid rain brings a low pH to forest soils. What three effects does this lowered pH have in the soil environment that adversely impacts trees' ability to get adequate nutrients?

4. Is acid deposition always in the form of rain or snow? Explain.

5. What has been the trend in emissions of acid substances in the United States and Canada over the past 30 years? What has been the trend in pH measured in the United States and Canada over the past 30 years? Do these trends seem to indicate that an end to problems from acid rain are imminent? Explain.

6. If nitrogen and sulfur are the main constituents of acid deposition and they can also be limiting nutrients, under what conditions would you think that deposition of these acid substances would benefit an ecosystem?

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