NAU Biology BIO 372
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BIO372 : Extinction : Pattern & Opportunity : Exercise: Biogeography

Exercise: Biogeography

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DUE: 31-Mar-2000 Assignments sent after the due date will receive a grade of zero.
Biogeography is the study of the distributions of plants and animals around the world. Some of the reasons for observed distributions are global and some are local.

1. Continental drift resulting from plate tectonics once reorganized the world's land masses into a single continent, Pangaea, in the geologic past (look at 1st Order Global Tectonic Features at 270 Ma).

a) During what time (i.e., millions of years ago) in earth's history did Pangaea exist? What geologic periods were encompassed by this time?

b) Describe a group of organisms which was subsequently isolated by continental drift and diverged into unique species. What source(s) did you use for reference?

2. In the past 2.5 million years there have been several glaciation periods that have influenced the ecological distributions of organisms.

Describe the change in ecological distribution caused by glaciation for an organism or group of organisms. What source(s) did you use for reference?

3. Human beings have been identified as a possible cause of the extinction of certain species that were known to be alive in the past. Describe the evidence for such an occurrence. What source(s) did you use for reference?

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or call (520) 523-7516
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