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PHI332 : The Class : Background Info : Values

Topic 2: Will this course threaten my core values?

I am not asking you to give up any of your moral convictions in this course. Although the modules will give you much to think about on the topic of abortion, they do not direct you to any general conclusion. If you are passionately pro-life (or pro-choice) and you find you cannot answer a pro-choice (or pro-life) objection, don't abandon your convictions on the spot. Be thankful to your partner in that discussion for helping you to see these new objections, and take plenty of time-years, I recommend, assuming you cannot find a reply-to reflect upon and digest these objections, before you start to change your position or behavior. Such objections, if you are lucky enough to find them in this course, give you reason to reflect more, but not reason to change your view instantly.

Once you have completed this excercise you should:

Go on to Topic 3: Assignment Details
Go back to Background Information

E-mail George Rudebusch at
or call (520) 523-7091

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