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PHI332 : The Class : Background Info : Assignment Details

Topic 3: Assignment Details

You will need a good dictionary to read and understand the essays in the text and in your research. If your dictionary keeps missing words, get a better one. You might check in the VCC and see if anyone has figured out a word you couldn't.

  1. Topic proposal. Propose a topic in one page (1 p.). The topic should be of particular interest to you in health care ethics. For example, if you are in dental hygiene, you might find it most valuable to research a topic in dental hygiene ethics. (How to find such topics? Ask instructors or professionals in your special area of interest to help you identify ethical issues you could examine.) Before you propose your topic, research it in the library and on the web and by asking professionals to find articles written on it. Find at least 3 articles that defend theses or propose reasons relevant to your topic. (How identify useful articles as quickly as possible when you find them? See Modules 3.1 and 3.2.) You will evaluate one of these articles for your midterm, so it is important to find the best stuff written on the topic for you to examine. Proposal is 5% of course grade. Put your topic proposal into an MSWord document, titled "[firstname].[lastname].proposal." Send to me as an email attachment before the deadline for your session.

  2. Mail-in Articles. Mail me at least one of your articles in time to reach me before the midterm. I need to refer to your target article in grading your midterm. Most of you will not be sure at this early stage which article you'll want to evaluate for your midterm. In that case, be safe and mail me copies of all the articles you want to consider for your midterm. I'll keep them in a file folder. Most of you will be working with at least some articles not available on the web. Be sure to mail these postmarked by the deadline I give. Mail to:

    Prof. George Rudebusch
    Northern Arizona University
    Philosophy Department
    PO Box 6011
    Flagstaff, AZ 86011-6011

    In lower left-hand corner of envelope, write "Mail-in Articles for [Firstname Lastname]." For any articles online, you only need to send me a web address before the date of the midterm. Send any such addresses together in one email with subject heading "Web addresses for Mail-in Articles." Don't try to fax articles to me. My department cannot accommodate the volume of pages you'd need to fax. Mail-in articles are 5% of course grade.

  3. Quiz. Complete Module 2 before you take the Quiz. There are sample quizzes with answers at the end of Module 2. The Quiz is the only written assignment that is not revised or incorporated into your essay. Quiz is 10% of course grade.
    Put your quiz into an MSWord document, titled
    "[firstname].[lastname].quiz." Send to me as an email attachment before the deadline for your session.

  4. Midterm. Complete Modules 3 and 4 before you write your Midterm. Be sure to leave yourself time for First Diagram (assignment 5), which must be attached to Midterm. There are step by step directions for writing the Midterm in Module 4.3. In brief, your Midterm will be a 3-page paper in which you identify an article-length argument on your topic and evaluate it by raising objections and considering replies (minimum 3 pp.) Midterm is 20% of course grade.
    Put your midterm into an MSWord document, titled
    "[firstname].[lastname].midterm." Send to me as an email attachment before the deadline for your session.

  5. First Diagram. Draw a diagram of the main lines of argument you will use in your essay. (1 pp.) Attach to Midterm. 5% Attach to Midterm as last page of the MSWord document you send me in assignment 4.

  6. Preparation for first draft-not to hand in. Using assignment 5 as a guide, either expand the evaluation you began in your Midterm, or identify and evaluate other article-length arguments as appropriate (using the same process you used in your Midterm), and develop your own original arguments as needed for your thesis. (min. 3 pp. in addition to midterm's 3 pp.) 0% Do not send this to me.

  7. First draft of essay. Combine work from assignments 4 and 6 and write your introduction, any needed sections of background information, and conclusion (minimum 7 pp.).
    Put your first draft into an MSWord document, titled
    "[firstname].[lastname].draft." Send to me as an email attachment before the deadline for your session.

  8. Second Diagram. As you work through the details of writing the first draft (assignment 5), it is almost inevitable that you will find yourself revising the plan of your essay. Revise your first diagram (only as needed) and attach it to your first draft as Second Diagram, 1 p.) First draft with second diagram is 5% of course grade. Send attached as last page of assignment 7.

  9. Final Draft of Essay. Using my comments on first draft and any additional reflection of your own, revise your first draft as needed. (minimum 7 pp.). Final draft is 50% of course grade.
    Put your final draft into an MSWord document, titled
    "[firstname].[lastname].final." Send to me as an email attachment before the deadline for your session.

    Minimum total number of pages revised prose = 20, as required injunior-level writing course. Please let me know if you submit your final draft for publication anywhere!

Once you have completed this excercise you should:

Go on to Topic 4: Assignment Deadlines for summer 3 week session
Go back to Background Information

E-mail George Rudebusch at
or call (520) 523-7091

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